Lighter Fare: Blogs I read.

For my last list I will do for the week I would like to give a shout out to my fellow blogging CP Kenny Conley. He has a great blog you should definitely check it out. His thoughts on ministry and life are very enlightening and entertaining. He came up with a fantastic list of blogs he reads on a regular basis. I found it enlightening. There were quite a few blogs I had never read before but will be in the future.

Here are some the blogs I read most often. I read tons so these are my greatest hits (no pun intended).

Church Marketing Sucks – Great blog that helps me not suck.

Church Relevance – Great blog about….well relevant issues facing the church and church leaders.

Swerve – Craig’s leadership insights are second to none.

Children’s Ministry 1234 – I love the way Rob’s mind works would love to meet him someday. I love how he uses culture as leverage to communicate the never changing truth of God’s word. Did I mention I love his CM website very cool stuff Rob keep rock’n the island.

Children’s Ministry and Culture – Larry has a great blog. I love how he incorporates articles that have to do with practical side of who kids are. Very informative and challenging stuff.

How to Change the world – Guy is a blogging genius. – My good friend, fellow creative, free thinking, marketing loving, pbc grad. He is also our churches Albany campus pastor. Plus he has the coolest shoes out of all my friends.

Jim Wideman – What can I say. He is the godfather. Seriously I met Brother Jim once at a come spend a week with us conference, he is a great guy that is an inspiration to us all.

Kem Meyer – Love her funky creative perspective the church needs more people like her.

Karl Bastian – I have been so blessed by his website. I found it years ago pre subscription days. I find it encouraging, and a great hub for communication and information and just overall idea jump starting. Plus he hates the great satan Microsoft.

Lifehacker – Generally not a big fan of anything called hacker but I have learned tons of helpful stuff from this blog. My fav is how to link ical and gcal.

Baseball blogs – MLB RumorsSeamless BaseballRoto Authority.

Seth’s Blog – Marketing Genius, his perspective is second to none. I would love to have coffee with Seth someday and pick his brain about church/non-profit marketing.

Techcrunch – Tech geek blog.

Thewayweseeit – Great blog. Great resources.

Tony Morgan – Has a pulse on where the church is at, plus he has hugged Andy Stanley. – Bob, Larry and Jellyfish

Jason Boucher – Another one of my creative, free thinking friends. Rock’n it in Canadian eh?

Mike Servello – My best friend. Great guy, excellent communicator. Has a flat out passion for reaching seekers. He is the reason why Uptown exists. I am grateful for his example. People say you are the reflection of the 5 closest people to you and I am blessed to call him one of my five.

Katya Andresen – Read her book. Loved her book so much I started reading her blog. Good stuff. – Pudge is a crazycoolfunnutsfreakyJesuslovingsuperkidguy. Love his insight.

Mark Schilling – Another one of my good friends. He is the youth pastor at our church. He has such a passion for this generation and is a fantastic speaker and is a very short list of the funniest people I know. – My fellow marketing loving, crappy sign hating, children’s pastor who sees the ministry through different eyes than most and I love that.

Phil Cooke – THe is a christian marketing guru and is coming to our church very soon. Can’t wait to meet him.

Scott Hodge – Has an amazing and inspiring story of how his church changed to become seeker obsessed. He is also a fellow lover of St. Arbucks.

[Kid Inspiration] – David and they guys at hillsong inspire me to take kids ministry to the next level. I can’t wait to one day see it for myself, I am just afraid I won’t want to leave. – Gina has a great sense of humor and insight to multisite kids campus. Her stories about parenting help me feel normal.

cultivating Home – This a blog by a couple in our church. They are amazing great friends great servants, great parents.

5 thoughts on “Lighter Fare: Blogs I read.”

  1. I will ask you the same question I asked Kenney, seeing that I am still seeking this answer from various perspectives.

    How does a blog make it onto your radar? What draws you in and why?

    Just asking.

  2. I will ask you the same question I asked Kenney, seeing that I am still seeking this answer from various perspectives.

    How does a blog make it onto your radar? What draws you in and why?

    Just asking.

  3. Todd,

    I find most of my blogs from blog roles or recommendations of friends or blogs that I read regularly. Kidology’s blog page has opened me up to quite a few. I am drawn usually to useful info for ministry, technology, marketing, and relationship.

    hope that helps. BTW my son and I play those games on your website love them.


    Tell me about it. half way through I was like “Wow this is why I try to keep my posts short this is just to much work.” And all those likes I have a new respect for those aggregate bloggers.

  4. Todd,

    I find most of my blogs from blog roles or recommendations of friends or blogs that I read regularly. Kidology’s blog page has opened me up to quite a few. I am drawn usually to useful info for ministry, technology, marketing, and relationship.

    hope that helps. BTW my son and I play those games on your website love them.


    Tell me about it. half way through I was like “Wow this is why I try to keep my posts short this is just to much work.” And all those likes I have a new respect for those aggregate bloggers.

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