
Offline-Online-RelationshipAnother thing that God has been speaking to me during our churches fast has been the importance of relationship. We are all very aware of the God size hole that Sarte refers to. I believe that God also put within us another hole a man size hole. Very often we are good at one the the neglect of the other. We need a vital active personal relationship with God but we also need life-giving interpersonal connections with those around us.

The loving of God and the loving of others are inseparable. How can we say we love God and have contempt for those around us he gave his only son for? How can we love others if we have no respect for the God who created them.

This year God is impressing on me more and more my need for him and my need for others. My need to communicate my love to him and demonstrate it to others.

What is God challenging you to do this year?

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