If Children Really Mattered.

If children really mattered to God’s people, it would affect numerous areas

Christian colleges and seminaries would re-examine every academic discipline in light of the question What about the children?€ Pastors, for example, would not be allowed to graduate without taking a series of child-focused courses. Missions, social work, communications, and other majors would likewise deal with the strategic place of children.

This is important because when I started in children’s ministry I didn’t know what a children’s pastor was suppose to do. I did what I thought I should and I did what others thought I should. I think every potential pastor should sit through a class talking about the importance of reaching kids. I know I would have benefited from it and I know many of my friends who went to Bible College and Seminary would have benefited
from it. The most importantly the kids we have the privilege of reaching would benefit from it.

12 thoughts on “If Children Really Mattered.”

  1. I agree. Then I disagree. Or at least my opinion is different. Considering the transient society in which we live, my goal is to awaken the parent to their God-given role to lead their child spiritually. We don't have nearly the amount of time and exposure as the parents. So, I agree that seminary should include a significant focus on how to minister to the next generation. But with the intent of accomplishing that via an effective partnership with mom and dad.

  2. I agree. Then I disagree. Or at least my opinion is different. Considering the transient society in which we live, my goal is to awaken the parent to their God-given role to lead their child spiritually. We don’t have nearly the amount of time and exposure as the parents. So, I agree that seminary should include a significant focus on how to minister to the next generation. But with the intent of accomplishing that via an effective partnership with mom and dad.

  3. Gina,

    Thanks for your response. I think we are in total agreement. I went to Bible College for four years I took many classes only one was remotely close to something that would shed light on the importance of children's ministry. I think every pastor should be aware of the importance of reaching kids and how investing in the future of your church will pay huge dividends in many years to come. I do believe however that children's ministry is reaching a place of legitimacy in the minds of Pastors and church attenders, that Youth pastors currently obtain. God bless you Gina and your team at Lifechurch.tv you guys are an inspiration to me. I have learned so much just from reading your pastor's blog. Keep up the good work.

  4. Gina,

    Thanks for your response. I think we are in total agreement. I went to Bible College for four years I took many classes only one was remotely close to something that would shed light on the importance of children’s ministry. I think every pastor should be aware of the importance of reaching kids and how investing in the future of your church will pay huge dividends in many years to come. I do believe however that children’s ministry is reaching a place of legitimacy in the minds of Pastors and church attenders, that Youth pastors currently obtain. God bless you Gina and your team at Lifechurch.tv you guys are an inspiration to me. I have learned so much just from reading your pastor’s blog. Keep up the good work.

  5. Good post and follow up comments. I have been wrestling with this business of how we can effectively help parents fulfill their God given call to raise up their children as followers of Jesus. Having walked down the Bible college and seminary road and nearing its end, much of my learning regarding children's ministry has had to occur through the school of hard knocks, networking with folks like yourself and creating opportunities to learn in the academic setting which were not part of the original curriculum. I think you both are very much on target.


    Glen Woods

  6. Good post and follow up comments. I have been wrestling with this business of how we can effectively help parents fulfill their God given call to raise up their children as followers of Jesus. Having walked down the Bible college and seminary road and nearing its end, much of my learning regarding children’s ministry has had to occur through the school of hard knocks, networking with folks like yourself and creating opportunities to learn in the academic setting which were not part of the original curriculum. I think you both are very much on target.


    Glen Woods

  7. Great comment Gina (whomever you are!) I found the link to this blog on my sister Hannah's blog. I immedietly felt the need to respond and say…

    What if the primary purpose of the children's pastor were towards the parents rather than the children since it is the parent's duty to raise Godly children and to be the shepherds of their home? How different would children's ministry really be? Good to see that others are thinking along the same line…

  8. Great comment Gina (whomever you are!) I found the link to this blog on my sister Hannah’s blog. I immedietly felt the need to respond and say…

    What if the primary purpose of the children’s pastor were towards the parents rather than the children since it is the parent’s duty to raise Godly children and to be the shepherds of their home? How different would children’s ministry really be? Good to see that others are thinking along the same line…

  9. Sam,
    I agree. We are on the same page.

    Funny you should ask that. I believe many ministries are making that shift. Our cultures are changing. It will be interesting to see what our conversations look like in 5 years.

  10. Sam,
    I agree. We are on the same page.

    Funny you should ask that. I believe many ministries are making that shift. Our cultures are changing. It will be interesting to see what our conversations look like in 5 years.

  11. I think this shift is happening because people are realizing that bringing their children or dropping them off for 1 hour a week or even 2 to 3 hours a week does not make a transformational difference in the life of that young person as they grow up. Partenrship is a key word here because parents can not do this alone. Who give equips them with this awesome task of parenting? In partnership, the church can work with parents and other adults in a childs life to truly raise them up.

  12. I think this shift is happening because people are realizing that bringing their children or dropping them off for 1 hour a week or even 2 to 3 hours a week does not make a transformational difference in the life of that young person as they grow up. Partenrship is a key word here because parents can not do this alone. Who give equips them with this awesome task of parenting? In partnership, the church can work with parents and other adults in a childs life to truly raise them up.

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