Why I respect Bill Hybels. Part 1

My friend Mike Servello is on vacation so I thought I would pick up on his blog series "Why I respect Bill Hybels".

I respect Bill Hybles because:

1. His passion for seekers
2. His passion for the local church
3. His passion for spiritual legacy

All of these passions can be seen in the last reason I respect Bill is his passion for children’s ministry. Bill truly understands the importance of children’s ministry. He has always been on the cutting edge of what it takes to reach out to people who are looking for Christ.

I believe that Bill is on the cutting edge of children’s ministry. I attended a children’s ministry conference at willow seven years ago so I am not using quotes because I remember the spirit of what he said not the exact words. Bill said the following: When a new family comes to church. What I (Bill Hybels) do in this sanctuary the words I speak the experience that each parent may have means nothing if their kids did have a good time, weren’t ministered to and never want to come back. What you do (speaking to the children’s pastors gathered ) is the most important thing in the church.

I was floored. I had never heard a statment that strong in support of children’s ministry in my life. At that point I had been a children’s pastor a few years, for me it was a turning point. I remember sitting there crying convicted because I didn’t value children’s minstry like I needed. That day I came to believe without a doubt that children’s ministry is the "the most important ministry in the church". For me that value that prioity will never change, if I am a youth pastor, senior pastor or worship pastor some day, I will always believe and say that children’s ministry is the most important.

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