The 10 best books I read in 2013

Of all the books I read in 2013 here are my 10 favorite. Everyone of them worth the read.

  1. Dangerous Calling – Paul David Tripp – Powerful book every person in ministry should read.
  2. Amazing Grace the story of William Wilberforce – Eric Metaxas – Love Eric’s writing style my biggest take away from this book was how “dark” and evil things were in the England during Wilberforce’s lifetime. He stood when no one else would and forever changed the course of human history because he stood with in grace that God provided.
  3. Unbroken – Laura Hillenbrand – Unbelievable story of survival, faith and forgiveness. Such a moving story.
  4. Leadership and Self Deception – The Arbinger Institute – Loved this book. I think of it often how I in my sinfulness tend to decive myself into thinking that I am better than I am. I need to constantly be aware of the pervasiveness of my self-deception because only when you are aware of your self-deception will you truly not be deceived.
  5. David And Goliath – Malcolm Gladwell – Gladwell is not a theologian so I disagreed with how far he reached in the David and Goliath story but that didn’t take away the power of the book for me. Such a great book. I love how Gladwell thinks so I am bias. This was definitely my favorite that Gladwell has written to date.
  6. Judges For You – Tim Keller – Tim Kellers commentary on the book of Judges. Wow. Amazing. Very informative and massively convicting.
  7. Creating Innovators – Tony Wagner – Have you ever read a book that tells you what you have thought and have told others but didn’t have proof for your hunch. This is that book for me. If you have kids or teach kids you need to read this book.
  8. Center Church – Tim Keller – This is Keller’s opus. Not an easy read at all but a must read for church leaders. Keller lays out principles that must be grasped by the church for us to do effective ministry in the next 20 to 30 years.
  9. Decisive –  Chip and Dan Heath – This book was all about the power of good decisions full of practical advice on how to make better decisions. If you are a leader than you make many decisions. If you want to be a good leader you need to know how to make excellent decisions. Love the Heath brothers style another great book for them.
  10. Desiring God – John Piper – Such a good book. There are books that tell you about God and those that inspire you to love God this book is the latter. This book is Pipers life message and you can feel it. As I even reflect on this book It makes me desire God more. Thanks Pastor John.


2 thoughts on “The 10 best books I read in 2013”

  1. Love the annotated list. I am passing it on to my husband pastor. Center Church looks good.
    Have you ever shared a blog on how you find/make time to read?

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