My Reading list from 2013

They say leaders are readers so I set a goal this year to read 52 books and I fell short of that goal, but here are the books I did read this year. Some I will add to my read yearly list, all of them impacted me in various ways.

#1 Lone Survivor – Marcus Luttrell
#2 Lead Small – Reggie Joiner
#3 Non Profit Narrative – Dan Portnoy
#4 Love Does – Bob Goff
#5 Jesus In The Manger – Bonhoeffer
#6 Jesus + Nothing = Everything. – Tullian Tchividjian
#7 Jesus Storybook Bible – Sally Lloyd-Jones
#8 A Tale Of Three Kings – Gene Edwards
#9 Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart – JD Greear
#10 Knowing God – J. I. Packer
#11 The Jesus Manifesto – Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola
#12 Center Church – Tim Keller
#13 3 Signs of a Miserable Job – Patrick Lencioni
#14 Leadership and Self Deception – The Arbinger Institute
#15 A Horse and His Boy – CS Lewis
#16 The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg
#17 Dangerous Calling – Paul David Tripp
#18 Integrity – Henry Cloud
#19 Decisive –  Chip and Dan Heath
#20 Desiring God – John Piper
#21 – 7 men – Eric Metaxas
#22 – Amazing Grace the story of William Wilberforce – Eric Metaxas
#23 – Christless Christianity – Michael Horton
#24 – The Weight of Glory by CS Lewis.
#25 – The Fourth Fisherman – Joe Kissack
#26 – Unbroken – Laura Hillenbrand
#27  The Silver Chair – C S Lewis
#28 – Counterfeit God’s – Timothy Keller
#29 Behold Our Sovereign God – Mitchell Chase
#30 Steal Like An Artist. – Austin Kleon
#31 More Or Less – Jeff Shinabarger
#32 Insanely Simple – Ken Segall
#33 C. S. Lewis – A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet by McGrath, Alister
#34 David and Goliath – Malcolm Gladwell
#35 – Good To Great – Jim Collins
#36 Speak Like Churchill Stand Like Lincoln –  James C. Humes
#37 – Judges For You – Tim Keller
#38 – Creating Innovators – Tony Wagner
#39 – Divergent – Veronica Roth
#40 The Five Elements Of Effective Thinking. – Edward Burger
#41 Five Points – John Piper
#42 Letters To Malcolm – CS Lewis
#43 The Final Battle – CS Lewis
#44 The Explicit Gospel – Matt Chandler

12 thoughts on “My Reading list from 2013”

  1. Did you really read all those books. I set myself a target of one a month and struggle. I would love to have read all those books lol.

    1. I did. I started off well and got a bit off track towards the end of the year missed my goal by 9. How many you read doesn’t matter as much as the fact you do read. Stats show most people never pick up a book after they graduate.

  2. Great job Sam… what an inspiration. I knew that you were going to try to hit 40 by the end of the year, I was wondering if you were going to make it… and you blew past it!

  3. I haven’t heard of a few of these books (and haven’t read most of them), but it looks like a great list.

    I think “Knowing God” should count as at least 5 books, by the way.

    1. Ha! Knowing God was great not the easiest to read but well worth it. Center Church should count as at least four. Lol it was amazing but very deep and very indepth but took a bit of time to read.

  4. I read Unbroken this year too. I almost quit reading it two times it was so disheartening in parts. Boy am I glad I finished it. It was one of the best books I ever read, and well worth the trek through the darkness.
    Endurance was a close second, which I also read for the first time this year. I liked Unbroken the best, but Endurance is also a narrative well worth reading.
    I always enjoy looking over your lists because I get ideas from it for my own (which is much shorter!) I was pleasantly surprised to see I had already read a few of the ones on “the list.”

  5. Pingback: The 10 best books I read this year |

  6. Pingback: How to read 40 books in a year. |

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