How to read 40 books in a year.

I recently released my list of books I read in 2013. One of the questions I received most often is how did you read 44 books last year. So I thought I would blog my answer since it’s a bit lengthy. Hopefully something I do will resonate with you and help you read more this year than you did last.

Here are a few of my tricks.

Start with a goal – Doing anything more is always something everyone wants to do. You will never stretch beyond what you currently do if you don’t set a goal that is both realistic and challenging. If you read 3 books last year set a goal to read six or one book a month.

Use mobile options – Make the most of every moment. Waiting at the doctors, listen to an audio book. Waiting for your oil to get changed bring along your kindle or your iPad with the kindle app. My commute to work is about 20min I never listen to the radio, I am either calling someone, praying or listening to an audio book.

Know your productive zone – If you are a morning person read a chapter or two from a book in the morning. I am a nite person when everyone is in bed I try to knock out a few chapters.

Don’t get stuck – Read more than one book at a time, if you can handle it. I read about 3 to 5 books at a time. If a book is awful stop reading it. I used to feel bad doing this. I no longer feel bad. Don’t get stuck.

Read good books – Finding a good book is not always easy. You need to know what interests you and what stretches you. Take recommendations from people you trust. Also if you like a book you are reading, read more from the same author as well as the books that author reads or recommends in his writings.

Use new books as a reward – Have a couple of books that you want to read but can’t read until you finish a book you are reading.

How to get free books

Blogging for books – You don’t need a blog they let you post your thoughts to the amazon page.
Christian Audio Christian Audio gives away a free Audio book each month.
Sign up for David C Cook’s email about upcoming books they have a book or two they give away free each week.

What do you do to read more?




2 thoughts on “How to read 40 books in a year.”

  1. Great tips. I get most of my reading done as I am waiting for the kids to fall asleep at naptime or bedtime. Don’t forget about the library for a source of free books. They might already have some great selections or you can use Interlibrary loans to get books from all over America. Many libraries will order books for you too if you request them. Especially if you bring in brownies every once in a while. 🙂

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