You get what you do, not what you want.

To Do List

The problem you and I have in life and ministry is that we get what we do not what we want. It’s very easy to forget that in every area of life from raising your kids to building your church. I want lots of things in life. I want to write a book but no matter how much I want it if I don’t start doing it, I will never write a book.

I want kids for whom Christ is their treasure, but if He is not my treasure the chances of my kids finding ultimate worth in Christ are very slim. In marriage most people want a great marriage few people do what it takes to have a great marriage because we want a great marriage but we also want to have our own space. If you want to have a great marriage do something! Love does, love doesn’t wish. Your goal should be to out love the other person. In doing that you will get what you want. I want a close family. I want me kids to miss home when they are teenagers not try everything in their power to stay so buys they are never home so what do I do. I stay home as much as I can with my kids and do my best to create great memories.

The problem with us always wanting things is most often I am at the center of my own desires. When I do others are at the center of what I do. Funny thing is the more I do the less I want. Every day my goal is to do all I can do and rest in what Christ has already done. When I do what I can do and trust in what Christ has done IĀ  find myself wanting what He wants.

How do you do and not just want.

1. Keep a to-do list – ground breaking I know.
2. Work from your to-do list.
3. Set realistic goals
4. Pray about your to-do’s
5. Do what you can do and leave the results to God.

3 thoughts on “You get what you do, not what you want.”

  1. True, at the end of the day it’s not by our might, it’s simply by God’s grace. It’s also important for us to understand that sometimes our will conflicts with God’s will for our lives, and even though we may not want what He has in stock for us, it’s perfect for us. God’s will for our lives is a perfect will. That’s why I love Dag Heward-Mills’ “How You Can Be In The Perfect Will of God”. Check it out and find out for yourself what it means to be in this sweet perfect will. Be blessed! šŸ™‚

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