Free Bible Lesson Ezekiel: Standing for truth



– Book of Standing for the Truth
Key Point –Always stand for what is right!
Memory Verse – Psalms 119:30 “I have chosen the way of truth…”

Standing up for truth can make you unpopular

Skit – A bunch of kids try to steal something everyone goes along with it except one kid who says that it is wrong. All the other kids try convincing him that he is wrong. A group of kids get all excited to steal something from the corner store. They all get excited they plan how they are going steal candy from the local corner store. As they are talking one of the kids grows more and more uncomfortable. He eventually stands up and says “I can’t take it anymore this is not right.” All the kids point and laugh the leader comes out and says “what are you going to do about it.” I am going to tell my mom and dad because the Bible says that it is wrong to take from others, my parents taught me to always stand for what is right even when it is hard.” Bully: “your not going to say anything to anyone” Good Boy: “oh yes I am!” Bully: “Oh no your not, GET HIM GUYS” all kids run out of the room chasing the good boy. The MC comes to the front of the room and asks the kids if they could stand for the truth even if it is difficult. How many think it would be hard to tell someone the truth if you knew that you were going to get beat up for it. It would be very difficult but we must always stand up for what is right, no matter what anyone thinks of us.

Object Lesson – Truth maze. Truth sets you free. Lie sets you into the dungeon. Bible tells that we should know the truth and the truth shall set us free. Draw out a maze on an overhead make one simple with an easy way out make another one be complicated with no way out. Explain to the kids that when you stand for the truth it will always set you free but if you decide to live a life full of lies you will live a very confused trapped life.

Object Lesson – Handcuffs are like lies – every time you lie it keeps you from doing what you could do if you were free. Explain to the kids that when ever we tell a lie we are limiting our selves we are hindering our relationship with others and with God. The only thing that can set us free, that can remove the trap of sin on our lives is by asking Jesus into our life and standing for the truth of God’s word. No matter how hard we try we will never be able to remove the traps of sin off of our life we need Jesus to set us free. We need to stand for what is right.

Skit – story little white lie it keeps growing and overcomes the boy. – A young person starts off telling a small lie it grows the more she tell before she knows it, she is always telling lies. A boy comes home and his mom asks where he was. The boy says that he was at school (he is lying he left school early telling his teacher he was sick, so that he could go to the video arcade with his friends.) The mom says well that’s funny because your teacher called saying you had come home early. The boy says yea, I had to come home early to feed the dog. Mom says son we don’t have a dog. Boy says I know I was coming home to feed our neighbors dog. Mom says son our neighbors don’t have a dog either. How about you start telling me the truth right now. The boy tells the truth and starts crying. The mom is very upset and tells her son that he would have been in trouble for what he did, but because he lied he is in even more trouble. The mom explains that lies only create more lies. That even though he still would have been in trouble for leaving school by playing sick, had he been honest it would have been better for him. And that had he not even lied to his teacher in the first place this whole situation would never have happened. The mom explains to her son that you must always stand for the truth.

Puppet – Puppet comes up worried that his nose is going to grow just like Pinocchio’s did. The MC asks why is he worried about that. The puppet explains that he just told a very bad lie and now is worried that his nose is going to start growing because both him and Pinocchio are puppets and that must be what happens to all puppets that lie. MC explains that the puppets nose most likely will not grow but when we make a lifestyle of not telling the truth what it does is separate us further from God. So it is very important that we always stand up for what is right. MC ask the puppet if he can start doing that, they pray together and puppet leaves.

Bible story – The three Hebrew children.

Small Group

Activity – Read a question give two answers one is a right answer one is a wrong answer have the kids guess which answer is right and have them stand for the question they felt is right. – After you have read both add how many stood for which answer have each kid discuss how they felt when they were standing for the truth and not everyone was standing.

Example – What color is the sky?
Stand if you think it is red. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)
Stand if you think it is blue. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)

Fourth Grade:  In numbers what number comes after million?
Stand if you think it is Trillion. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)
Stand if you think it is Billion. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)

Third  Grade: What planet is closest to the sun?
Stand if you think it is Earth. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)
Stand if you think it is Mercury. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)

Second Grade: Who was our first President?
Stand if you think it is George Wilson. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)
Stand if you think it is George Washington. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)

First Grade: What color is the sky?
Stand if you think it is red. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)
Stand if you think it is blue. (count how many are standing – then tell them to be seated)


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