Why you should attend CMLeaders Conference!



This is the very first year of CMLeaders conference. So I am not sure 100% what to expect. I am very honored to be a part of this conference. I think it really has a chance to become a must attend conference. Here’s why. I have never heard of a children‘s ministry conference that focuses solely on developing kids pastors as leaders. Most conferences are designed to help kids pastors hone their craft very few if any are designed to help kids pastors grow in their leadership.

Most people get into kids ministry because they have a passion to lead and teach kids. Here’s the rub. Children’s ministry is much more about leading leaders than it is about leading kids. If there is one shortfall of kids ministry in general it’s people being promoted to lead the kidmin in churches because “They are just a big kid themselves.” If you want to make an impact in the life of a kid you had better learn how to lead leaders.

Here is why I’m excited to be going to CM Leaders.

1. No breakouts – I know many would say “I love breakouts” I hear ya a good breakout is amazing yet a good breakout can be hard to find. I like the TED Talk version of a conference where you are all in the same room together hearing the same speakers the whole time.

2. The leaders that will be sharing are world class – Pumped to hear people that you don’t always get to hear like Steve Adams and Margaret Feinberg.

3. It’s a kidmin conference created around the idea of growing leadership level of kids ministry leaders. Most kids ministries stall not because the person leading it doesn’t love kids it’s because he or she doesn’t know how to translate that love for kids into the lives of others.

CMLeaders should be amazing I hope to see you there. You can register HERE


2 thoughts on “Why you should attend CMLeaders Conference!”

  1. I"ll finally get to meet the great Sam Luce! That is reason enough to go. Really though, I'm looking forward to going too for the same reasons you mention. Here are my 3 reasons why you need to attend: http://wp.me/p1N1He-5T

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