4 reasons I WOULD send my kid to Christian School

Here are my reasons to send your kids to Christian School

1. Other Godly examples – One of the things I remember best from my years in Christian School was the teachers that taught me. Most Christian schools don’t pay their teachers a lot as a result the people who do teach are very passionate about what they do and the passion reaches the kids. I remember many of the Godly teachers that influenced my life. That is priceless to see another adult telling you the same thing your parents are is invaluable.

2. Christian Perspective – History from the view point of our christian faith is never going to be taught in a public school setting. I know that some of the curriculum Public schools choice is less than desirable from a faith perspective. Sending your kids to a school where they learn that History is “His story” (what a good christian school child I am, I still remember History is “His Story”). Having that base of knowledge is so important especially in the PC world we now live in. Truth is truth it’s not always pretty but if we try to change history to sound more sanitary we will never learn from it.

3. Smaller Pond – In Christian school I was a pretty good basketball player in public school I was number 235 and was you guessed it cut the second week of practice. The reality is that most kids will not play sports outside of High school. Going to a christian school your son or daughter with average talent will benefit from the ability to take part in team sports. Some kids need a smaller environment for their star to shine. I went to Christian school of 150 and a public school of 3,000 so I saw this whole principle play out first hand.

4. Lots of kids who believe the same thing – I agree with Reggie Joiner. Every kid needs another kid who believes the same thing they believe. I believe every Christian kid’s best friend should also be a Christ follower and as much as I want my kids to be friends with kids who haven’t crossed the line of faith I want their best friends to be Christ followers. Every kid need another kid, they can call, tweet or text “Am I crazy for….” and I will know that the answer will be based out of God’s word and not out of the random pile of teenage emotion. Having your kids in a Christian environment can be unrealistic but it could also be life giving it’s up to you.

9 thoughts on “4 reasons I WOULD send my kid to Christian School”

  1. I'd agree with these. I have a bit of an issue with #3, though. While I do think we need to instill in our kids a Christian worldview, I think that some of the major Christian school textbook publishers have made it out that truth can only be found in Christian contexts. Truth is truth wherever it's found. Also, much of what is taught in those textbooks come from one stream and understanding of Christian interpretations of history, science, etc. It is implied that anything that disagrees with the publishers' interpretation of what is taught is outside of Biblical truth. It's not just the "liberals" who paint science and history to fit their "agendas." Christian educational publishers do the exact same thing.

  2. I'd agree with these. I have a bit of an issue with #3, though. While I do think we need to instill in our kids a Christian worldview, I think that some of the major Christian school textbook publishers have made it out that truth can only be found in Christian contexts. Truth is truth wherever it's found. Also, much of what is taught in those textbooks come from one stream and understanding of Christian interpretations of history, science, etc. It is implied that anything that disagrees with the publishers' interpretation of what is taught is outside of Biblical truth. It's not just the "liberals" who paint science and history to fit their "agendas." Christian educational publishers do the exact same thing.

  3. Christina Brown

    I went to a christian school for 6yrs 7th-12th grade. I am a christian woman now 42. However I would NEVER send my child and did not send my son to a christian school. Point 1, resources are always a problem. Our text books were decades old. Also seldom do these kids have any exposure to any electives, forget about art, shop, anything like that, that breeds creativity. Maybe this doesn't bother all kids but for those who need it maybe even as a detturent to less scrupulous activities. Your kids are missing out. Also in spite of the old text books, unscrupulous teachers many without teaching degrees,and lack of any kind of extra curricular activities..You will get no discounts on tuition. They charge very high prices. I remember one year my mom selling her car to keep me enrolled. Meanwhile I was on my knees begging her not to do it and to just let me go to public school..However she was so convinced she was doing the right thing. Point 2, You have no idea what these supposed teachers are really teaching your kids. The reason I say supposed is after graduating I found out more than half of my "teachers" didn't even have licenses. Not only are many unqualified to teach english math etc…But teaching your kids about the Bible is a very sticky area. Personal opinions get mixed in..and hey your kids don't know any better..THEY ARE KIDS!!! BE very careful parents..Point 3 You think you are sending your kids to christian school to shelter them from all the wild kids in public school right? Guess how many parents with WILD kids try to cure the situation by sending them to the christian school. My school had drugs addicts, satan worshipers you name it. I could easily score any drug available to kids anywhere else. Point 4 You may be sheltering your child from the world in some sense by sending them to a christian school..but guess what happens when they get out? THEY GO INSANE!!! Drinking, having sex and doing everything else you were so afraid they were going to do. Problem is they do it ten times more and ten times harder than kids that were introduced to the world slowly and responsibly by the parents. Point 5 I know the biggest reason people send their kids to a christian school is to educate them about God and the Bible and hopefully turn them into respectable christians. I reccomend doing that job yourself ! Don't leave it to a stranger who is teachigng your kid who knows what? In the school I went to I saw such daily hypocracy abuse of power and general curruption it ruined me for life.. After graduating I have yet to set foot in a church except for my wedding day. Nor do I ever plan to. Yet I am a christian woman as I said I have just found my own way to worship God and I am very comfortable with that. Please don't see me as just some bitter person who had a bad experience. I knew lots of other kids from different schools who would agree with me 100percent. I know the public school system has alot of problems, but write to your congressman..VOTE for better school funding, GET INVOLVED in fixing the problem. But think LONG AND HARD before sticking your kid in a christian school

  4. Christina Brown

    I went to a christian school for 6yrs 7th-12th grade. I am a christian woman now 42. However I would NEVER send my child and did not send my son to a christian school. Point 1, resources are always a problem. Our text books were decades old. Also seldom do these kids have any exposure to any electives, forget about art, shop, anything like that, that breeds creativity. Maybe this doesn't bother all kids but for those who need it maybe even as a detturent to less scrupulous activities. Your kids are missing out. Also in spite of the old text books, unscrupulous teachers many without teaching degrees,and lack of any kind of extra curricular activities..You will get no discounts on tuition. They charge very high prices. I remember one year my mom selling her car to keep me enrolled. Meanwhile I was on my knees begging her not to do it and to just let me go to public school..However she was so convinced she was doing the right thing. Point 2, You have no idea what these supposed teachers are really teaching your kids. The reason I say supposed is after graduating I found out more than half of my "teachers" didn't even have licenses. Not only are many unqualified to teach english math etc…But teaching your kids about the Bible is a very sticky area. Personal opinions get mixed in..and hey your kids don't know any better..THEY ARE KIDS!!! BE very careful parents..Point 3 You think you are sending your kids to christian school to shelter them from all the wild kids in public school right? Guess how many parents with WILD kids try to cure the situation by sending them to the christian school. My school had drugs addicts, satan worshipers you name it. I could easily score any drug available to kids anywhere else. Point 4 You may be sheltering your child from the world in some sense by sending them to a christian school..but guess what happens when they get out? THEY GO INSANE!!! Drinking, having sex and doing everything else you were so afraid they were going to do. Problem is they do it ten times more and ten times harder than kids that were introduced to the world slowly and responsibly by the parents. Point 5 I know the biggest reason people send their kids to a christian school is to educate them about God and the Bible and hopefully turn them into respectable christians. I reccomend doing that job yourself ! Don't leave it to a stranger who is teachigng your kid who knows what? In the school I went to I saw such daily hypocracy abuse of power and general curruption it ruined me for life.. After graduating I have yet to set foot in a church except for my wedding day. Nor do I ever plan to. Yet I am a christian woman as I said I have just found my own way to worship God and I am very comfortable with that. Please don't see me as just some bitter person who had a bad experience. I knew lots of other kids from different schools who would agree with me 100percent. I know the public school system has alot of problems, but write to your congressman..VOTE for better school funding, GET INVOLVED in fixing the problem. But think LONG AND HARD before sticking your kid in a christian school

  5. It really helped when you said that going to a private Christian school can help our children shine because of its a smaller environment. My husband and I have been debating about which school to send our 3 children to. In my opinion, a Christian school can help them bloom and reach their full potential.

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