Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #6 K! Magazine

I Love K! Magazine. I have been a kids pastor for 12 years and have never really found much in the way of books or magazines that spoke to me where I was at (however I do feel that is changing). I felt all the books and magazines out there where addressing things I wasn’t facing.

I think K! Magazine speaks to a new breed of kids pastor. Almost every article in each issue speaks to something I have faced or am facing, because most of the articles are written by people in ministry, serving and building the local church. Another thing I really like about K! that may seem superficial and weird but I love the layout and the artwork of the magazine it’s very appealing to someone like me who notices that kind of stuff.

Lastly, I love why Ryan Frank started and continues producing K! Magazine. He does what he does out of a passion to train and equip kidmin folks to reach kids and families with the lifechanging truth of God’s word. Ryan is a great kids pastor, and leader. I am thankful for the time and effort he and his team put into making a quality product that, encourages, trains, and equips kids ministry leaders to reach the next generation of kids ministry leaders.

If you haven’t subscribed you need to . Tell Ryan I sent you and maybe he will throw in a plush Jim Wideman doll or a Funny Man Dan action figure.

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