Free Book!

I am giving away. “Think Orange”! Reggie wrote it and it’s being published by Cook Publishers and released at Orange. Actually it’s not being released to the public until June. Plus it will be autographed by Reggie!

How cool is that!

How do you win it?

1. I would like to hear a brief story of your most profound experience at an Orange Conference

2. Or your most profound experience using 252basics

3. Or if you have never been to Orange or used 252basics describe what you do to Partner with parents.

Winner will be chosen at random using

Good luck.

6 thoughts on “Free Book!”

  1. Hi Sam,

    I spent the last year doing research and writing on this topic. In the fall I will be starting a an adapted version of Karl Bastian’s V.I.P. (Very Intentional Parenting) at my church. Mine is different from his in that we will take it in three ten week installments throughout the school year with the summer off, whereas he does it year around. It is an opt-in relationship. Parents can opt in at the beginning of each ten week session. They will identify at least one area of their family life which they want to work on, and need assistance from the church. I will act in a coaching role, at times resourcing them with content and strategies, at other times pointing them to someone who can help. I have also started a Facebook group to facilitate information and conversation. My aim is to visit each participating home at least once during the ten week period. There is more, but that gives you an idea of what I am doing. Basically, we are giving the training role back to parents and promising to support them actively in the process. Likewise, we will continue our childrens ministry, but with a special focus on reaching unchurched and unparented children.

  2. We used 252 Basics and my previous church – we started by doing the family production and found that our Seniors (not high school seniors) enjoyed the program as much, or more, than the children.
    It certainly showed me that no matter what age, vibrant music and relative teaching reaches people hearts best.

  3. My best Orange experience was about 6 or 7 years ago when i attended a Summit experience led by Reggie Joiner at Group publishing in Loveland, CO.
    He taught mostly from the ‘7 Practices’ book. Those principals apply to children’s minstry and an ‘orange’ strategy like a peanut butter and jelly. The thoughts he taught then have shaped my ministry strategy.
    I attended the Orange conference last year and i had two favorite sessions. Reggie’s opening talk about the Prodigal Son was moving. Are you the loving father or the older brother. Too often i am the condemning person that is preoccupied with myself, spreads shame, throws fits and shuts the doors to those that do not measure up. (but i hide it well ((or at least i thin i do))) I need to be the loving father that is preoccupied with whoever is missing, spreads forgiveness, throws parties for the found and keeps the lights on for as long as it takes.
    Second session that was great for me was on the non-weekly family experience ( led by carey nieuwhof i think). Very strong and i have 3 pages of great notes from the session.


  4. I went to the first Orange and Francis Chan rocked my world. In a general session he was ‘reading my mail’ as the say and it culminated with this statement: “Don’t allow fear to keep you from pursuing God’s plan and dream that He’s put before you.” It was a simple statement but it literally felt like a slap in the face. I’ve been on an exciting journey ever since!

    Looking forward to Orange this year!

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