New Diggs

Well I had the old blog layout for about a year. I switched to this one. I like it my wife hates it. Let me know what you think.

What I like.

1. simple clean interface

2. native connection to twitter and flickr

3. More grafic driven with out being overwhelming.

4. I like change (BTW my wife doesn’t like change)

27 thoughts on “New Diggs”

  1. It's interesting… I like the simplisity of it… but the Quimo is a little confusing… it's laying right on top of your logo.

    Looking forward to connecting and talking ministry/ media at the Orange conf.

  2. Drop the Qimo box, or make it smaller. (integrate or remove, or reposition)
    The About Me paragraph should be reviewed.
    http://(samluce).com is NOT a website, drop ".com", or change it.
    You may have to edit the rocket ship, seems too big.

    Looks good otherwise and keep up the good work.

  3. It’s interesting… I like the simplisity of it… but the Quimo is a little confusing… it’s laying right on top of your logo.

    Looking forward to connecting and talking ministry/ media at the Orange conf.

  4. Drop the Qimo box, or make it smaller. (integrate or remove, or reposition)
    The About Me paragraph should be reviewed.
    http://(samluce).com is NOT a website, drop “.com”, or change it.
    You may have to edit the rocket ship, seems too big.

    Looks good otherwise and keep up the good work.

  5. I really like the color scheme. I also like the consistency between this the look of this and your twitter page.

    What I don't like is the right side bar seems to be a middle-right side bar. I would make the body bigger and the side bar smaller. I would also have a rss feed icon in the header just for reference.

    Other than that I like the cleanliness of it.

  6. I really like the color scheme. I also like the consistency between this the look of this and your twitter page.

    What I don’t like is the right side bar seems to be a middle-right side bar. I would make the body bigger and the side bar smaller. I would also have a rss feed icon in the header just for reference.

    Other than that I like the cleanliness of it.

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