5 actions every preschool teacher needs to take.

When I first started leading elementary and preschool environments, I had no problem leading and recruiting elementary volunteers, preschool was a different story. It wasn’t until I came understand what makes preschool ministry so amazing. The biggest game changer in preschool ministry and recruiting people to help in preschool ministry comes when you understand that you may be the first person to introduce a preschool to Christ. It’s a huge honor to serve in preschool ministry. To help shape a child’s first understanding of who Christ and what he did for them is amazing.

Here are 5 actions every preschool teacher needs to take.

1. Smile, love the kids you serve. Let them see in you the fruit of the Holy Spirit that is a result of a Christ-centered life.

2. Make sure the snacks are good. – Two things no preschooler ever needs is stale goldfish and stale faith.

3. Use snack time to drive home truth. Preschoolers don’t move and don’t talk and listen most while they are eating. Use those few moments well.

4. Remind kids – 1. Jesus loves them 2. We love you. 3. We all need God’s help

5. Practice consistency and flexibility they are your two greatest friends when working with small people.

6 thoughts on “5 actions every preschool teacher needs to take.”

  1. Pingback: 6 things every church preschool teacher needs to know.

  2. Thanks for sharing this! I was hoping around Twitter and found your blog. I love it! I re-tweeted a few things. I am the new social media director for a company called Grapevine Studies and traditionally, we have just reached out to homeschoolers. But we really want to reach out to Children's Pastors, too. Grapevine has been used in several Sunday School classrooms and teachers have found it works beautifully. If you are interested, we would love to send you a sample of our curriculum.

    Regardless, Sam, thanks for being a light, being passionate about children's ministry, and offering great ideas/tips/resources!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words and for leaving a comment. I hope you found my blog helpful for you and your ministry.

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