10 Things Back To The Future Got Right.

One of the things about getting older is every day something happens that makes you feel older. Today it’s the reality that I was a teenager wondering about how amazing life would be like in 2015. I remember adding up and realizing that I would be 40 years old and thinking “That’s old.” The future is here and as Marty would say it’s heavy. It feels weird that we are living in the day that Marty only spent a short time exploring and trying not to mess up. So today being Back To The Future Day make sure you watch out for a silver Delorean materializing out of nowhere. One of the things they missed in 1985 was the massive popularity of infographics as well as the insane power of beard toting hipsters that being said here is a great infographic on 10 Things Back to The Future Got Right. Enjoy.

Via Glow New Media.

1 thought on “10 Things Back To The Future Got Right.”

  1. Of all the hoopla and reporting on this important topic on October 21, 2015, this article is my favorite! Well done with use of pictures and “reality” explanations!

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