7 must add books to your summer reading list

One of the things I have learned in the past 20 years is when I encounter a problem. A good book usually helps me understand or point me in the right direction. I like reading books in the summer because It makes me feel better about lying lazily in the summer sun. Where I live in New York you have to pay for Vitamin D nine months out of the year. So when it’s free you jump on it. I thought I would share the books I am hoping to finish this summer.

ZPreaching by Keller – Few people have opened my eyes to the beauty of the Gospel like Dr. Keller. Few people can boldly lay out the truth in a way both sides see it clearly like Tim Keller. If you ever want to despair as a preacher. Preach a message then listen to Tim Keller preach the same passage. Looking forward to Dr. Keller’s thoughts on preaching.



2Q==-1Hand in Hand – Randy Alcorn tackles a very complex topic of Devine Sovereignty and meaningful human choice with clarity, grace and biblical responsibility. Have heard a ton of good things from both side of the argument.




Z-1The Deep things of God. – How the trinity changes everything. I am becoming more and more aware that the difficulty we have in faith and in our day to day lives comes from a flawed view of the trinity. Looking forward to reading Fred Sanders book for his practical take on a very complex issue.




Z-2Lions of Lucerne – Brad Thor – I try to read fiction more I really enjoyed all of Vince Flynn’s books when he passed I had to look for a new person to read Brad seems to be their person. His books are quick pace easy to read.


2Q==The Republic – Reading to get a head for classes that start in the fall. It should be an interesting read as there is nothing new under the sun even from 380 BC the parallels to Rome and us are eye-opening to be sure.





9k=The Relational Pastor – Andrew Root – My pastor recommended this book to our staff. He is a deep thinker and prolific reader and every book I have read that he has recommended I have greatly enjoyed.





2Q==-2Prince Caspian – CS Lewis I am reading the Chronicles of Narnia to my second boy. This is my third time reading through them and every time I am moved more deeply and see Christ more richly. I recently finished A Horse and his Boy and was so moved by God’s providence. Love that Lewis made such deep truths accessible to little kids and big kids alike.


I am always looking for a good book please leave a comment below with the books you are reading this summer.  Enjoy your summer and happy reading.

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