Would you take your kids to a porn shop?

online safety guide

The answer is no. I wouldn’t and you wouldn’t. Yet here is the problem we hand our kids iPhone’s, iPad, Tablets, Game consuls without thinking twice. Whenever you hand you’re a mobile device or allow your kids online you are giving them access to everything. As a parent you can’t just trust that everything will be ok. In fact, 30 percent of all data transferred across the Internet is porn. YouPorn, one of the larger video porn sites, streams six times the bandwidth as Hulu. You have a responsibility to teach your kids to be responsible digital citizens.

I have put together a resource to help you and your parents be better digital mentors to your kids. In the resource is links to helpful websites, articles and a step by step walk through how to use the parent controls in OS7 and Android. I am giving it away for free I am asking that you sign up for my forthcoming digital digest that you will receive weekly that will summarize all my posts.

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(If you are interested I did two other posts – one on the urgency of this issue the other on the Theological side of this issue.)

5 thoughts on “Would you take your kids to a porn shop?”

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  2. Pingback: Should My Preteen Have A Smart Phone | KidzMatter

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