All of Tim Keller Sermon’s? Yes Please.


Recently I was approached by the good people over at Logos. They asked me to provide a review of some of their products. Being a big fan of Tim Keller’s preaching it was easy to decided where to start. I know what some of you may be thinking Logos is a bit pricy. I understand I have four kids and schools coming right around the corner so the Luce household doesn’t have a ton of extra cash lying around either. Here is what is great. Logos has a great iPad and iPhone app that is free. It comes we content loaded on it and they also offer free books each month you can download from their site. If money is an object you can buy some of the books they offer without buying the whole system which is very cool.

Do I plan on buying the Logos system. Honestly I never thought I would because it can be a bit pricy but after I saw a demo of the software at a conference I attended, I saw the value and what you get vs. what you pay is no comparison. The speed and scope of searches using their software is staggering. The whole time the Logos rep was demoing the software all I could think was how much time I would have saved had this existed when I was in Bible College. There are other options out there some free some you pay for but after seeing the demo and the add-ons they offer there is no competition they stand alone. The quality of the books and commentaries they offer is second to none.

For the purpose of this post they allowed me to see their Tim Keller archive of his sermons which they have made searchable by date preached, topic preached and scripture reference for each sermon. Which allows you to find what you are looking for fast. To have 10 years of Keller messages to aid in your study of any text you are preaching from is invaluable. The good news is that you can get access to Keller’s messages without the full-blown software. If you preach to adults or kids on a regular basis the Logos system is a must own. If you can’t afford the full software you can still leverage the power of Logos via their free app. Logos is perfect if you are a student, pastor or just want to grow in your faith. The Keller message archive will speak to you no matter what stage in life you are in. Make sure you stop by their site and check out the books they have and see what Logos solution is best for you. I have provided a couple of links below if you are interested in signing up or finding out more information about their services.

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”false”]Tim Keller Archive[/button]

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”false”]Logos Home[/button]

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”false”]Logos iPad App[/button]

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”false”]Logos iPhone App[/button]



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