Last chance to register for Napkin’s reduced rate

I hope you can join me at the napkin conference this year. I will being doing a talk on collaborating with others called “Stop, Collaborate and listen” Still toying with the idea of shaving lines into my right eyebrow but we will see.

Here is why you should go.

1. Great price
2. I’ve know Pastor Benny (He’s the lead pastor of the church that puts on the Napkin Conference.) for 15 years. He is an amazing leader who has a passion for the  local church.
3. You will have lots of time to talk with and pick the brains of people like Jim Wideman, Dave Wakerley, and Ryan Frank
4. With all sessions being general sessions you will have time to share ideas and dreams with other kids pastors just like you.
5. If you register now the first 10 people that register and mention you come from I will give you a copy of a book I co-wrote with Jim Wideman, and 6 other kidmin leaders when it releases in April.
6. Lastly but not leastly if your Administrator or Sr. Pastor are giving you a hard time about going try staging a flash mob at your next staff meeting. Here is a great little idea for said flash mob. Your Welcome.

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