How I use social Media.


A few people have tried to add me on The Path. I haven’t accepted everyone I thought I would explain why. If you are going to use different social media tools you need to have a strategy and plan for how you use them.

Facebook – by far the most popular social media tool. I don’t like Facebook for a number of reasons. I friend everyone on Facebook and use it mostly for Church stuff. I contact people, send invitations etc.. I rarely put anything personal on Facebook.

Twitter – I prefer twitter due to the lack of ads games and the fact it forces you to be brief. On twitter I post links to my blog posts and personal things I find fun or links that make me think. I follow most people on twitter. If I don’t follow you let me know.

The Path I wrote about the Path the other day. There is lots I like about the Path. I love the user interface. I also like the fact you can have a social media platform that is designed to be for a fewer amount of people. I decided to keep the number people I friend on the Path to around 30 or so.

I have a linkedin account don’t use it at all. I use foursquare sporadically.

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