Guest Post: Announcing Nashville Illuminate

(Here is a guest post from my friend Kenny Conely with news about his Illuminate conference.)

With two Illuminate Conferences under my belt, one thing is sure… Illuminate is like no other conference. At both Austin (2010) and Birmingham (2011) I heard the same thing over and over.





That’s what kidmin volunteers from Texas, Alabama and Georgia all had to say about their Illuminate experience. So, the only logical thing to do is more events, right? That’s what I thought too.

On Saturday, February 18th, 2012… Illuminate comes to the great city of Nashville, TN! Details are still coming together (like speakers and breakouts) but we do have a handful of great communicators already lined up.

  • Jim Wideman (General Sessions and Leader Q & A)
  • Jonathan Cliff
  • Amy Fenton Lee
  • I’ll be there too… plus a few others
So, if you live within a 2-4 hour radius of Nashville, TN, make plans to attend the only event bringing some of the most influential voices in kidmin to the local arena to equip volunteers. It’s one of the best investments you could make in your volunteer team. At the early bird price, you can afford to bring them all!

For more information about Illuminate, check out For more information about the Nashville event, visit

4 thoughts on “Guest Post: Announcing Nashville Illuminate”

    1. Chris, Where are you from? I'm in Utica I've talked to Kenny about doing an Illuminate up here. I'd be interested to see how many churches would be will to work together. Let me know.

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