Conferences I’ll be attending: Group Kidmin Conference.

In a few short weeks there will be hundreds of kidmin leaders descending on Chicago home of the thick nasty pizza. I am really starting to get excited about heading out to connect with some old friends as well as meet a bunch of new people who share my passion for kids and youth.

Why this conference is different. – A little over a year ago, Group flew 10 kids pastors from around the country  out to Colorado to give talk about what they love, hate, and don’t really care about when it comes to a kidmin conference. It was a time of brainstorming ideas to make Group’s conference different. We talked about what speakers we want to hear from what breakouts would pack the most punch. I have never heard of people wanting to start a conference inviting the people who will attend and ask them what kind of conference do you want?

What can you expect – Group was clear about a few things that I think could potentially make this conference very different from most.

– Affinity groups – You can sign up to hang with a small group of other kidmin leaders who have some of the same things in common with you. Some of the groups will be , large church, small church, multisite, traditional church, spouse of a kidmin etc… In these groups you have a leader facilitating a discussion that will hopefully help you process some of the stuff you are taking in. It’s also their hope that the conversation from these groups continue beyond the conference.

– No green room – All the speakers at the conference will be out and about and you will be able stop them and ask questions about their talk their ministry or even hear a bit about their story.

– No Venders – For me this one I could take or leave I don’t really visit venders at a conference I do all that online. I do know that some people go to conference and going to see what is out there is a huge selling point others they feel like they are trapped in a kidmin infomercial.

I really like the affinity group idea and will be leading one for Large churches. If you are going and are from a large church let me know I would love to connect before the conference if possible.  I also like the idea of no green room maybe when I have my TV station and 4 jets my opinion will change. The vender thing I can take or leave. All in all it has lots of potential for relationship and I really like that.

Who is putting this thing on? – Group publishing. Christine Yount Jones is no stranger to next generation ministry she has been a vital part of everything Group does for years now. She is a wonderful person with a hear of gold. When I met Chris Jones for the first time I was so impressed she really loves what she does and she really cares about the work that youth and kids people do. Everyone at Group that I have met have gone out of their way to be the biggest support they can be for the work the church does.

I am going to be there and I hope you will as well. Time is running out. September 23 is the last day to register, but don’t wait do it now!

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