Retro Post: Don't be a nerd!

(Yesterday I did a post about why kids pastors are so lame and that blog post actually lead to an article for K! magazine. Here is my post about it with the link for the K! magazine article.)

One of my passions in kids ministry is trying to reach kids in unique ways. I have always been amazed how some Kids pastors are stuck doing things the same way they always have. I think that is pretty lame. So Ryan Frank and Jim Wideman were gracious enough to ask me to write an article about why kids pastors are so lame.

I since had someone tell me that their youth pastor friends call kids pastors “Fannie Packers”. That my friends is not helpful in helping young people connect with children’s ministry and want to be kids pastors.

In my article I talked about things that can help us as kids pastors avoid being lame. Here are the main points from my article. To read the whole thing subscribe to K! or read the online digital version.

1. We tend to get stuck on what works instead of what’s effective.

2. We lead apologetically

3. We compete with Youth Pastors.

4. We compare ourselves to the wrong things.

5. We cheat sometimes because we think the kids won’t notice.

K! Mag is anything but lame it has great articles laid out in an amazing fashion. Make sure you sign up for a subscription if you are not ready to commit here is a link to a digital version.

I hope you enjoy the article and subscribe to K! magazine if you haven’t already.

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