Big News From K! Magazine.

I love K! magazine. I have been a subscriber for 3 years and a contributing editor 2 years now. Every time we meet on the phone to discuss future magazine layouts I always feel that I get more out of the conversation that I add, and every time I get my copy of the magazine I feel I get more out of it than I add to it. I feel blessed to be a part of something that helps to build the kingdom in our church and beyond.

One of the things I appreciate about Ryan and his team is they are so open to input and are always looking for ways to innovate. Which is why I am writing this post. Starting with the Sept/Oct issue of K! Magazine, subscribers to K Magazine will begin receiving a free e-version of the magazine! This e-magazine can be read on any mobile device with a web browser! So, when you purchase an annual subscription to K! Magazine (less than 20 bucks a year) you will receive as a free bonus an e-version of the magazine!

I am pumped about this because I have been doing a load more reading on my iPad and the layout and articles look fantastic digitally. So if you are still old school and you like an actual Magazine (nothing wrong with that) you will still get your magazine like normal but as a subscriber to K! you will get the added bonus of a digital copy.

If you are interested in seeing a digital copy check out the current leadership issue it’s packed with great articles from Jim Wideman to Greg Baird.

If you are not a current subscriber you need to be head over to Kidzmatter and sign up now.

Lastly but far from leastly – I am giving away 5 count them 5 year long subsriptions to K! Magazine to win tweet the following.

@samluce is giving away a year subscription to K! Magazine from @kidzmatter over at #kidmin #kmag

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