YouTube Friday: Why Men Don't Help In Kids Church

I am doing a big push over the next couple of weeks to get men to help out in Uptown over the summer. Even as a man myself I find it difficult to get men to want to help, most of the kids pastors I talk to experience the same thing. Who do I blame? The devil? Absolutely not. I blame this guy because every guy thinks this is who you have to be to help in kids ministry.


41 thoughts on “YouTube Friday: Why Men Don't Help In Kids Church”

  1. blake_levrets

    WOW!? As a man that works in Children's ministry I'm scared, slightly offended and a little sick to my stomach (except for the "double dream hands" we need more of that in life!).

    I feel your pain about getting men to serve in Kids ministry. Is there a men's group that you could give specific talks to?

  2. Peter Schott

    While I realize this is for some VBS program, that seems like a lot of stuff to remember for a single song, even if it's the theme song. I don't personally have a major problem doing silly moves with songs that the kids like, but this does seem over the top. We've used songs by Dan Cutchen before with younger kids and they appreciate it. There are some good Biblical themes to some of the songs and others are just plain silly, but the moves keep the kids interested, the music is pretty good, and sometimes we get them to memorize some scripture while doing these silly songs. 🙂

    I'd be interested in a follow-up article on what men actually do in your Kids Church. Even better if you have video showing real men interacting with the kids as some sort of promo that you can use at your church.

  3. Dear men, this is not the bullseye. wowza…..OH MY. Double dream hands….. My husband — who ACTIVELY participates in children's ministry worship — is cringing. I must make a video now of what it looks like to serve in kidmin and not loose your man card. This was hysterical but tragic.

    I honestly didn't have an overly difficult time finding men to participate — but we kept it simple, super relevant — and all of our programming (especially the music) was boy friendly. AND, I started by finding middle school and high school students who we could audition for worship teams to get a male presence up on stage.

    Great post Sam!

  4. Of course they do. When I came on board, that's what is expected of me and it took me 10 over years to get close. Now you are saying, we don't? Come on Sam, if not men, then who? ;-p

  5. I guess I should have been a bit more clear. Do we have a good amount of male volunteers? Yes could we always use more absolutely. I just thought this video was a great example of a stereotype some people may have. That to be effective in children's ministry you have to be barney without a costume on. When really what kids need is you to just show up leave your Jazz hands at home and be a man. I was just trying to take on a stereotype via the route of humor that's all.

    Hope you all have a double rainbow hands kind of day

  6. blake_levrets

    WOW!? As a man that works in Children's ministry I'm scared, slightly offended and a little sick to my stomach (except for the "double dream hands" we need more of that in life!).

    I feel your pain about getting men to serve in Kids ministry. Is there a men's group that you could give specific talks to?

  7. blake_levrets

    WOW!? As a man that works in Children's ministry I'm scared, slightly offended and a little sick to my stomach (except for the "double dream hands" we need more of that in life!).

    I feel your pain about getting men to serve in Kids ministry. Is there a men's group that you could give specific talks to?

  8. Peter Schott

    While I realize this is for some VBS program, that seems like a lot of stuff to remember for a single song, even if it's the theme song. I don't personally have a major problem doing silly moves with songs that the kids like, but this does seem over the top. We've used songs by Dan Cutchen before with younger kids and they appreciate it. There are some good Biblical themes to some of the songs and others are just plain silly, but the moves keep the kids interested, the music is pretty good, and sometimes we get them to memorize some scripture while doing these silly songs. 🙂

    I'd be interested in a follow-up article on what men actually do in your Kids Church. Even better if you have video showing real men interacting with the kids as some sort of promo that you can use at your church.

  9. Peter Schott

    While I realize this is for some VBS program, that seems like a lot of stuff to remember for a single song, even if it's the theme song. I don't personally have a major problem doing silly moves with songs that the kids like, but this does seem over the top. We've used songs by Dan Cutchen before with younger kids and they appreciate it. There are some good Biblical themes to some of the songs and others are just plain silly, but the moves keep the kids interested, the music is pretty good, and sometimes we get them to memorize some scripture while doing these silly songs. 🙂

    I'd be interested in a follow-up article on what men actually do in your Kids Church. Even better if you have video showing real men interacting with the kids as some sort of promo that you can use at your church.

  10. Dear men, this is not the bullseye. wowza…..OH MY. Double dream hands….. My husband — who ACTIVELY participates in children's ministry worship — is cringing. I must make a video now of what it looks like to serve in kidmin and not loose your man card. This was hysterical but tragic.

    I honestly didn't have an overly difficult time finding men to participate — but we kept it simple, super relevant — and all of our programming (especially the music) was boy friendly. AND, I started by finding middle school and high school students who we could audition for worship teams to get a male presence up on stage.

    Great post Sam!

  11. Of course they do. When I came on board, that's what is expected of me and it took me 10 over years to get close. Now you are saying, we don't? Come on Sam, if not men, then who? ;-p

  12. I guess I should have been a bit more clear. Do we have a good amount of male volunteers? Yes could we always use more absolutely. I just thought this video was a great example of a stereotype some people may have. That to be effective in children's ministry you have to be barney without a costume on. When really what kids need is you to just show up leave your Jazz hands at home and be a man. I was just trying to take on a stereotype via the route of humor that's all.

    Hope you all have a double rainbow hands kind of day

  13. This is a riot, Pastor Sam… I love your description "Barney without the costume"… PERFECT !! So glad you still have your "man card" 🙂
    Lov ya… Amy M

  14. bradshimomura

    Sam, I've been wondering this for a while… At my previous ministry context, I spoke to the men's group (cast a compelling vision, explained that there are only 2 of 30 volunteers are men, and called them to action) with literally no result. I think you have a great point here. We have to explain clearly to them exactly what they will be doing or else this is what they think of.

  15. This is a riot, Pastor Sam… I love your description "Barney without the costume"… PERFECT !! So glad you still have your "man card" 🙂
    Lov ya… Amy M

  16. bradshimomura

    Sam, I've been wondering this for a while… At my previous ministry context, I spoke to the men's group (cast a compelling vision, explained that there are only 2 of 30 volunteers are men, and called them to action) with literally no result. I think you have a great point here. We have to explain clearly to them exactly what they will be doing or else this is what they think of.

  17. I thought that "jazz hands" were really just a joke. Now I know they're real, along with dream hands, double cranks and all kinds of other stuff. This has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long while. Ha!

  18. I thought that "jazz hands" were really just a joke. Now I know they're real, along with dream hands, double cranks and all kinds of other stuff. This has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long while. Ha!

  19. Yikes! Double dream hands?? Looking forward to hearing some advice on getting guys in the ministry. I know sometimes men are more involved in their careers, but it is so great to have some men in the room during our kids' club. Help us out, Sam!

  20. Yikes! Double dream hands?? Looking forward to hearing some advice on getting guys in the ministry. I know sometimes men are more involved in their careers, but it is so great to have some men in the room during our kids' club. Help us out, Sam!

  21. Thank you for posting this! It bothers me on such a deep level that men feel like they don't a) fit in kid's ministry or b) think they have anything to offer. We need STRONG men who love Jesus and kids NEED to see that. Get it Sam!

  22. Thank you for posting this! It bothers me on such a deep level that men feel like they don't a) fit in kid's ministry or b) think they have anything to offer. We need STRONG men who love Jesus and kids NEED to see that. Get it Sam!

  23. I agree with Austin Lee. We need STRONG men who love JESUS with our kids. I work in an inner city church where there are alot of absent fathers. We need male role models.

  24. I agree with Austin Lee. We need STRONG men who love JESUS with our kids. I work in an inner city church where there are alot of absent fathers. We need male role models.

  25. I am the coordinator for 1st through 5th grade and feel very blessed, because most years in Kid Zone I have had 40 to 50 % of my shepherds be men. There are some years it was less, but my lowest was 30%. I have never had a problem offering the men in our church an opportunity to work with our kids. Most of the men I ask say yes and have stayed on for several years. So I wonder we are not the norm.

    1. I wish your church was the norm. Unfortunately many men either avoid kids ministry or are never asked. Appreciate your comments. What would attribute your success to involving men in your ministry to?

      1. Partly due to our leadership preaching and teachin that all of us are called to volunteer in some capacity. The men’s ministry has done a great job of talking to the men and teaching about how important it is for men to be involved in our kid’s faith walk. This then allows us as coordinators and directors to feel more comfortable asking men to help in all age groups, from nursery to youth.

  26. The American culture of today have invaded the church, even the so-called true church.
    Men are no long suppose to act manly. There is MUCH to say on this TOPIC for sure!
    But who am I to know anything. I bet there are others out there who can finally step up and tell the truth who have GREAT respect!!!!!

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