Need a Christ Centered Easter Curriculum?

Well, I am really excited to let everyone in the Kidmin community that in a couple of weeks we are going to be making  available a Easter Curriculum that Dan Scott, Gina Mcclain, Jonathan Cliff and I worked on together for our churches.

A few months ago we came up with this idea to write our own curriculum for easter and to do it collaboratively so that no one church would have to do all the work, but we all could benefit from working together. Doing this project together was a wonderful experience. It is so amazing to me that you can get so many churches together to write a curriculum that does not focus on denominational differences but elevates Christ. I went into this project with huge amounts of respect for each leader and the church they represent. As we wind down that respect has only increased. I am so honored to work along side these brilliant kids people to help in a small way to build the kingdom of God together.

Not being someone who likes to go negative on my blog, when we all got together we had some general and some specific frustrations with the curriculum that is out there. Because of this we thought that instead of just saying what we don’t like about what exists what if we created something that is more along the lines of what we are looking for and then blog about why we did what we did.

Is the curriculum we did the best thing ever? Nope. Is it for every church. I hope so but don’t think so. We do want to begin unpacking why we did what we did on all of our blogs offering our own perspective on the parts of the project we worked on. In unpacking why we did what we did and then making what we did available to you for this Easter or for future Easters, our hope is that it mets a need you have in your church and in the lives of the families you minister to.

I do want to offer this disclaimer that there was not one specific curriculum that we are thinking of when we start tackling some of the Elephant in the room issues with curriculum. There is a systemic problem in my opinion and I believe the sooner we adress those issues the sooner Christ will be elevated and our kids will be better for it.

Lastly I am really looking forward to getting some feedback from you guys. So make sure you chime in our kids deserve it and Christ expectes it. Thanks so much for all you guys do to help extend the Kingdom of God where you are. You are amazing.

17 thoughts on “Need a Christ Centered Easter Curriculum?”

    1. One of Dan Scott's guys did it. He is very talented. It actually is just part of the series ID the Larger picture is great.

    1. One of Dan Scott's guys did it. He is very talented. It actually is just part of the series ID the Larger picture is great.

  1. Barbara Graves

    I can't wait to see this! I haven't found elementary curriculum yet that fits our kid's needs. Super stoked to see what all of you have done. It will be amazing, I'm sure!!

  2. Barbara Graves

    I can't wait to see this! I haven't found elementary curriculum yet that fits our kid's needs. Super stoked to see what all of you have done. It will be amazing, I'm sure!!

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