You might be a redneck kidmin if…..

Over at Cmconnect Steve Greenwood was responding to this post and started posting some you might be a redneck kidmin jokes on my comment section. I thought it would be fun to see if we could come up with a few. So here goes give me your best you might be a redneck kidmin if.

Here are a couple of his.

If you think playing Freebird for your response time at summer camp….you might be a redneck kidmin.

If you think deer jerky makes a good stuffing for your Easter Egg Hunt……you might be a redneck kidmin.

Here are a few of mine.

If when your kids move up to youth ministry you give them a Bible and a handgun… might be a redneck kidmin

If in your Christmas production at church you use dogs for the sheep and cows… might be a redneck kidmin

If when doing an alter call you close your prayer with In Jesus Name and everyone said “Roll Tide”… might be a redneck kidmin.

If you use a horse trough for your kidmin baptism tank….you might be a redneck kidmin

Not my greatest area of expertize but I thought this could be fun. So go ahead give me your best Redneck Kidmin joke.

41 thoughts on “You might be a redneck kidmin if…..”

  1. If you begin your object lesson with "Hey Bubba. Watch this!" you might be a redneck kidmin.

    Hey i think using dogs in the Christmas pageant is a great idea. I just wish I had thought of it first!

  2. If you begin your object lesson with "Hey Bubba. Watch this!" you might be a redneck kidmin.

    Hey i think using dogs in the Christmas pageant is a great idea. I just wish I had thought of it first!

  3. If you use a cattle prod to keep kids in a classroom

    If you use hay bales as stage props.

    If you have a sign in the kids bathroom that reads "please jiggle the handle"

    If you have a sign that reads "Jesus is coming back for the southerner's first"

    If you think John the Baptist was "dressed up"

    ……You might be a redneck kidmin.

  4. If you use a cattle prod to keep kids in a classroom

    If you use hay bales as stage props.

    If you have a sign in the kids bathroom that reads “please jiggle the handle”

    If you have a sign that reads “Jesus is coming back for the southerner’s first”

    If you think John the Baptist was “dressed up”

    ……You might be a redneck kidmin.

  5. If you hang a sign above your children's ministry door that reads, "American by birth, Texan by the grace of God"…you might be a kidmin redneck.

    If you refer to the people of the Old Testament as "Them Good Old Boys"…you might be a kidmin redneck.

    If your Easter celebration includes skinning and roasting the Easter Bunny….you might be a kidmin redneck.

    If you end ever prayer with "In Jesus' name….Yee Haw!"…you might be a kidmin redneck.

  6. If you hang a sign above your children's ministry door that reads, "American by birth, Texan by the grace of God"…you might be a kidmin redneck.

    If you refer to the people of the Old Testament as "Them Good Old Boys"…you might be a kidmin redneck.

    If your Easter celebration includes skinning and roasting the Easter Bunny….you might be a kidmin redneck.

    If you end ever prayer with "In Jesus' name….Yee Haw!"…you might be a kidmin redneck.

  7. If your large group stage is up on blocks in front of the church
    If your baptistry is a big satellite dish filled with water
    If your building campaign is raising money for a double-wide

  8. If your large group stage is up on blocks in front of the church
    If your baptistry is a big satellite dish filled with water
    If your building campaign is raising money for a double-wide

  9. If you have ever said, "bless you darlin' little heart" to any parent.

    If you've ever said, "How's yourmamaandem?" Actually, if you can properly pronounce this and know it is to be all run together.

    …You might be a redneck kidmin!

  10. If you have ever said, "bless you darlin' little heart" to any parent.

    If you've ever said, "How's yourmamaandem?" Actually, if you can properly pronounce this and know it is to be all run together.

    …You might be a redneck kidmin!

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