Free Bible Lesson: Esther


– Book of God’s Love

Key Point – God’s love never ends!

Memory Verse – John 3:16 – “God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only son,”

Skit – God loves us no matter what – even when we do something we shouldn’t he still loves us – Have a bully type boy steal something have a Christian boy see him steal something the Christian boy follows him out and tell the Bully boy that Jesus loves him and the Bully says that God couldn’t love me I am to bad. The Christian explains that he saw the bully steal something the bully puts his head down and says see God can’t love someone like me. The Christian boy explains that God love for us never ends! It says in the Bible In Romans 5:8 that when we were still sinner when we hated God he still loved us. Many people have done worse things than you and God still forgave him. The bully: really you really thing God’s love never ends! The Christian boys says nope never ends what do you say we return the candy bar you stole ask the shopkeeper to forgive you and then God to forgive you. Bully: It’ll be hard but it sounds to me like it is worth it. Christian boy: lets go. (both leave the stage skit over)

Object Lesson – (Mt. 7:10) God is a good father he loves us he would not give us a stone if we ask for bread he would not give us a snake if we ask for fish. Have a kid come forward and ask the MC for a gift the MC then gives the child a broken toy. Another child comes up asks for something to eat the MC gives the child an empty bag with only crumbs in it. The MC asks if he was being kind or mean the kids will say that the MC was being mean. The MC will then explain that God is nothing like that. If you ask for a gift he will give you a gift you ask for food he gives food. God is a good father who loves you and me!

Object Lesson – Christmas Gift – You give gifts to people you love God gave us Jesus as the first Christmas present. How many of you give gifts to people you can’t stand. Most people give gifts to people they love. God showed us how much he loves us by sending his son Jesus to earth. God gave us all a gift to show us his love and his mercy. God is a good father who loves you and me!

Object Lesson – God’s love never ends – have you ever counted ever star in the sky the sand in the ocean – it would take forever (ask a kid to come forward and have a bucket of sand or dirt ask the child to count all the individual pieces of dirt if they can’t do that offer them the option of counting every single star in the galaxy it can’t be done it is unending– God loves us with that same kind of unending forever love.

Puppet – Comes up singing Jesus loves me this I know. Another puppet comes up and asks if the puppet knows what he is singing about. The first puppet says its just some song he heard somewhere. The 2nd puppet explains to the first one that God loves us so much that not only did he come to earth and die for our sins that is how much he loves us it is more than a song you are singing you are singing about God’s great love for us.

Bible story – Tell the story of Esther how God used her to save God’s people – Even though in the book of Esther God’s name is we see God in action demonstrating God’s love to his people by rescuing them.

God demonstrates his love for us.

  1. God has a plan for us. – God placed Esther in the kingdom for the special purpose to preserve His people
  2. God uses people to carry out his plan. – God used Esther to carry out the plan that he had to rescue his people. God also sent his son Jesus to earth as a man to rescue us. We can be used by God to show the love of God to others.

Where has God placed you? Who has God called you to show His love to? This week remember that God loves you and that he has placed you where you are near others for you to demonstrate the love of God.

Esther Small Group


Have hearts cut out – inside the hearts draw a picture of the things you love the most. Explain to the kids that no matter how much you love something or someone, God loves them more.


How did God show us how much He loves us?

Does God love some people more than others?

Will God ever stop loving you?

Can you measure God’s love?

Can you do anything to make God love you more?

How do you know that God loves you?

How did God show His love for Esther and her people?

How do you know that Esther loved God?

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  1. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (October 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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