What I learned from my little survey.

I originally was taking the survey to give prospective advertisers a glimpse into who it is that stops by my  blog, but what I got out of the survey was a new sense of clarity and focus. Here are a couple of things I learned from the little survey I gave.

Many of you are from churches of 1000 people or less. – I am going to try and offer more stuff for free. Give-a-ways and lessons idea’s things that have helped me over the years. There was a time in my life when I made my own lessons I will began posting those because I think that if you are in a church of 1000 people or less you can better spend your time and energy on leadership development and not on curriculum development.

You prefer posts on Leadership and Tech Stuff. – I will try and be more focused when it comes to leadership stuff as well as tech stuff I tend to use my blog as a way to process what I am thinking. I will try and be more focused about how I do that in the future.

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