Parenting beyond your capacity

Parenting beyond your capacity.

Reggie and Carey

Imagine the end – What do I want them to do but Who do I want them to become.

Widen the circle – Don’t try and parent your kids alone.

Fight for the Heart – Communicate in a style that gives relationship value. Big difference in fighting with and fighting for something.

Create a rhythm. – Your local church is best positioned to help you with the tools to create a rhythm.

Make it personal – Put yourself first when it comes to personal growth.

How to get everyone practically on the same page.

Get staff and volunteers on the same page.

Get with staff – talking about families and values.

Do a weekend series

Use facebook and twitter

New website just launched

Announcements – don’t just give info tell parents why you do it.

Just started doing a small group based on these 5 essences of family so this book couldn’t have come at a better time for me.

I love these five principles because they are just that. In reading so many parenting books out there they are all always so specific do this don’t do this. The problem with those books is they tend to be more behaviorally motivated. I think principles work much better because no two families are same and no two kids are the same.

Love the points Reggie and Carey make in the book and in this break out. If you don’t own this book it is a must read.

4 thoughts on “Parenting beyond your capacity”

  1. collin senka

    new to the whole 'orange' principles…enjoyed the conference, bought the book, i have 2 books ahead of it in my 'to-read' list (re-reading Think Orange now), but will get to it soon.

  2. collin senka

    new to the whole 'orange' principles…enjoyed the conference, bought the book, i have 2 books ahead of it in my 'to-read' list (re-reading Think Orange now), but will get to it soon.

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