YouTube Friday: After Rapture Pet Care

Very few things leave me speechless anymore. This however is one of them. For more about this fantastic ministry go to their website


10 thoughts on “YouTube Friday: After Rapture Pet Care”

  1. So, I was all poised to find out that this was some sort of parody that you had cleverly played off as being legit. I was stunned to find out that it may actually be legit. On a serious note, what does it say about our faith in God if, when faced with the prospect of living in the presence of our Savior, our first thought is "What about my pet?" I think there are many in our society who have raised their pets to the level of idols.

  2. So, I was all poised to find out that this was some sort of parody that you had cleverly played off as being legit. I was stunned to find out that it may actually be legit. On a serious note, what does it say about our faith in God if, when faced with the prospect of living in the presence of our Savior, our first thought is "What about my pet?" I think there are many in our society who have raised their pets to the level of idols.

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