Kidmin road trip overview Part 1

Tuesday – Flew into Nashville drove to Cincinnati – Met up with Matt Mckee one of my good friends and fellow blogger –
{Funny moment of that trip – Matt’s parents upon hearing that all met on line, asking if we were going to steal stuff}
[Take away from the stop – Everytime I get around Matt I am challenged to think different. I love hearing about all the stuff he has going. He is a big thinker and a big dreamer. He constantly challenges me to think beyond what is to what could be.]
Wednesday – Drove back from Cincinnati to Nashville stopped off in Louisville and meet with Tony Kummer and Jared Kennedy
[Take away from the stop – Connecting with Tony and Jared was great. I was very impacted by the need for us as children’s ministers to connect and what we have in common rather than focus on what is different. At the table were a Baptist, Seeker, Missal, Pentecostal/Seeker churches. All very different perspectives all passionate about reaching kids and equipping families. Grateful for the contribution that each is making in their corner of the kingdom.]
Wednesday night – Arrived back in Nashville and had dinner with the Lads Band.
{Funny moment – Loads of them. These guys are a riot.}
[Take away from the stop – I was just blown away by the humility, down to earth nature of The Lads. They are clearly more than performers, they are ministers. They have a huge passion for 5th to -7th graders. I also loved how they are willing to try anything to reach that age group. They have a comic book, TV show and are coming out with a devotional. Great guys! If you are a kids pastor and want to make an impact in your Pre-teen crowd book the Lads]

1 thought on “Kidmin road trip overview Part 1”

  1. Pingback: New Children's Ministry Ideas & Resources 2/24/2010

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