Kidmin Challenge Update

Hey kid min peeps want to give you an update on the all new super fun and exceeding helpful kidmin challenge.

1. Just by tweeting or commenting on facebook you could win prizes for free
What might you win you ask?

2. Your kidmin recruiting ideas could end up in a future publication of K! mag.

3. FMD will name his next baby after you. (well maybe not)

4. Leverage your influence to help the kidmin community

5. What do I twitter What do I tweet. Read below grasshopper.

How to submit your idea via Twitter – send them to

“@kidminchallenge include the hash tag #kmag and #kidmin “@kidminchallenge: Write personalized thank-you notes. #kmag #kidmin ”

How to submit your idea via FB? – go to this link Kidzmatter Fan Page become a fan an submit your idea on the wall like this “@kidminchallenge: Write personalized thank-you notes.”

3 thoughts on “Kidmin Challenge Update”

  1. The BEST recruiting idea we have used is for our vols to recruit someone they know to help them in their area. This has produced more and better vols than any other method we have tried.

  2. You know what FMS, I will name my next baby after the person who wins………..provided they have the same name as the one we already have picked out.

    Come on guys, their have been some brilliant entires but we are still waiting for yours.

    Have Fun


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