Crazy Love

Another book I read over Christmas was “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan

In this book Francis challenges the reader to go beyond the typical responses we have to a less than typical love Christ has shown us.

The big thought I took from Francis’ book was when he began to talk about the impact a recent trip to Africa had on him. He come home from the trip and decided to sell his house and move into something smaller so that he would have more money to give to those in need in Africa. The response he got from his friends here in the states was “what about your kids.” Chan points out this is do to a lukewarm faith that doesn’t make a difference. I thought how often my first response to others who exhibit “crazy love” is to ask why and try to get them to make a safer choice.

I remember one time a friend of mine told me they were taking in a teenage girl to live with them because she was having family trouble. My first thought was what about your family. That my friends is not Crazy love but rather Crazy safeness. Christ showed us matchless love. The least we can do is demonstrate crazy love to the world.

This book coupled with “Just Courage” was a powerful 1-2 punch. I need more unsafe crazy love for others in my life.

4 thoughts on “Crazy Love”

  1. I love Francis' heart on this matter and it shows clearly in the intro video for the book. We don't spend enough time getting a grasp on just how crazy God's love is for us. It absolutely makes no sense. And when we express love like Christ did, it will seem crazy too…until you experience it.

    Paul encourages the Philippians in 1:9 to live in a way that is extreme and out of balance and the truth is, we don't think that way. But what if we did?

  2. Good words. I need to read Just Courage. God has been challenging me lately in this area. How often do I expose my kids even to the needs in my community. Much less risk more to bring someone into my home in need of shelter. There was a season where I was more involved with these things. But I allowed it to be a season and not a lifestyle. My mistake. I forget that I encounter Christ when I look into the eyes of those marginalized and give a little of myself.

  3. I wanted to share this story based on our conversation.

    My family (wife and 4 kids) joined some other families on Friday night to provide some local homeless people a hot meal. We meet in the parking lot of a church in the city and serve food every Friday. I talked with one of the guys who is living under a bridge. One of their needs has been things to burn since it has been really cold here in SC. So later that night, my whole family helped carry some wood into their "camp" and stayed a while and visited with them.

    Some of our friends were concerned about our safety and our sanity. Our kids have talked about those guys for the last three days. They have begun to develop a heart and concern for them and speak about them by name. My hope is that crazy love will be easier for them.

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