Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-07

  • And the winners of the Google Wave invites are…. #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Not feeling the greatest. I am sure the Phillies don't feel good either knowing they are facing the #yankees in 6 minutes! WooHoo go Yanks! #
  • Gripes Rain DELAY!!!! #yankees #
  • Let's go #Yankees! #fb #
  • RT @MikeServello: New game…pettitte!!!!! //// Wooot gotta love a AL pitcher who can mix it up with some NL hitting. #
  • Yankees! Come on #27 here we come! #yankees #fb #
  • Thinking that Lists are the best thing @Twitter has done in a while. Love them. Can't wait till @tweetie starts using it. #
  • GODZILLLA! #yankees #
  • RT @nathanfinochio: kids are so unthankful; Was handing out turkey & mash potatoes w/gravy in ziplocs & they complained all night..//classic #
  • The good thing about living on a quiet street on Halloween no eggs! The bad no little kids to give candy to. 🙁 #
  • Hoping @jimjackson and @jonathancliff used their extra hour to watch the #Yankees kick some #Philly can. in reply to jimjackson #
  • Baseball and Sci-fi. Weird. #Yankees #
  • I guess the #yankees are the evil humans and the Phillies are the good aliens. #avitar #
  • Looks like the swine flu finally made it to NY we got hit hard attendance wise this week. #kidmin #
  • Let's get it on like Donkey Kong. Lets go #yankees! #fb #
  • RT @ryanvooris: @samluce Only in Hollywood does the human race become the villian./// Hollywood and Washington #
  • This ump has the worst strike zone in the history of mankind. #Yankees #fb #
  • Brad Lidge is a basketcase. #
  • RT @_Lowedown: RT @chicowoo: Matt Damon is so hot right now #yankees #
  • Hide and Seek #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • RT @pastorjustyn: Top 10 Reasons to Attend Napkin Conference #10 #kidmin #napconf #
  • RT @DonBColeman: @anthony_prince it's ok to fail @ being a #kidmin resource. Please don't fail @ being a good dad. // ditto #
  • Am I the only one who remembers iStock when it was a buck a file? It is obscene what they charge now. #
  • Our Admin is working on security metrics req. for Fellowshipone & Cybersource anyone done this before could use some insight. #church @f1ace #
  • RT @kevincooper RT @CatalystLeader: Take your Facebook "Newsfeed" to the next level: #
  • RT @icerocket: cant wait for Game 6 of the world series tomorrow. Going to be a good one! Go Yankees! -/// Woot "whose your daddy!" #
  • Creating Fliers. Kids Ministry 101 #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Any iWork pages guru's out there. Having some font issues. Would love some help. #apple #mac #computers #
  • Home my wife is making some great Italian food. Later tonight the #Yankees win the World Series. Wooot! #
  • WHO'S YOUR DADDY! #Yankees #
  • Pedro doesn't look Asian but he must be since Matsui is his daddy! #Yankees #fb #
  • Jeter is a postseason beast. #Yankees #mrnovember #
  • GODZILLLLLLLA!!!! #Yankees #fb #
  • If I have another baby girl her name will be Mariano or Rivera. #Yankees #fb #
  • Hope @jonathancliff is awake. A little history about to take place. #
  • RT @Alyssa_Milano: Last 9 Yankees Titles – JFK (1961, 1962), Carter (1977, 1978) Clinton (1996, 1998, 1999, 2000) Obama (2009)// lol #
  • Both my boys are punching each other to a Billy Blanks workout video my wife is working out to. Hilarious. #
  • Getting some southern edumacation from @kennyconley #
  • YouTube Friday: Yankees and Passion #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Generation Conference is in full swing. So great connecting with so many old friends. #gc09 #
  • Hey #kidmin peeps @jillweatherly is an amazing kids worker and is now tweeting give her a follow. #
  • Out with the kids getting something to eat. Gong to @genconference tonight very excited to hear Chris hill #gc09 #
  • RT @genconference: Pam Stenzel "Opposites attract but not when it comes to character you are always going to get what you are…" Ouch #gc09 #
  • RT @nathanfinochio: Canadians are horrible horrible things, little disease carrying agents, and all boarders should be closed Retweet please #
  • Just had some sushi and some laughs with some good friends. GTs GTs @hayesandrew @jillweatherly #
  • Had a great conversation with @roblove146 tonight. Love his passion! If you aren't following him you need to be #followfriday #love146 #

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