Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-17

  • That guy who plays Obama on SNL is horrible. He sounds and looks nothing like him. #
  • Angels go up on the sinking red sox! Woot! #
  • The red sox getting swept and the Yanks sweeping the twins = Christmas come early #fb #
  • SWEEP!!!!!! Hate the sox! SWEEP!!!!! #fb #
  • RT @TheBombers: Yanks will face healthy Pavano #yankees://// waiting for the punchline. #
  • Watching the #Yankees waiting for Pavono to pull, pinch or break something #fb #
  • Why is A-rod so clutch all of a sudden?#Yankees #
  • Jeter proving that being the captain is more than a "C" sewn on your uniform. Great play Jeter! #Yankees #
  • The Yankees win!!!!! I tweet this because I love the Yanks and because it will make @Jonathancliff cringe! #Yankees #
  • Happy Thanksgiving! #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Yesterday the Red Sox got swept, the #Yankees swept the Twins & I beat @Daughtry in fantasy football. Has 2 B one of the best days ever! #fb #
  • Trying to use facebook to communicate with my #kidmin leaders more. Have I mentioned I hate facebook. #
  • GiveAway Tuesday: Free VBS stuff #cmconnect #fb #
  • Crazy headache right now. Can you get one from to much sleep? My body isn't used to more than 5 hrs. a night. #fb #
  • Watching the "shark tank" great show. #
  • Look to draft a letter to parents with some H1N1 guidelines. Anyone done this already? #kidmin #
  • wrkn on updating well child policies 2 prevent H1N1. No cases yet. Hope it stays that way. thx @jonathan & @ToniQuinton 4 yr help #kidmin #
  • I just got a google wave invite thx 2 @jonathancliff If I was having more children my nxt child wld B named either jonathan or cliff. #
  • Luke 15 and Disposable Everything #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Hey #kidmin peeps looking for an amazing resource to give your families for free this Christmas check out #
  • Kids will get their 1st impression of God from preschool vols – RJ / #kidmin leaders, they are THAT important! (via @OrangeThinkers) #
  • R's is a very menacing letter. That's why we call it Murder not Muckduck @Rainwilson #
  • RT @anthony_prince: are you asking the right questions? when was the last time you tried something new? #kidmin #
  • Any #kidmin people going to orange leaders forum in Buffalo next week? #fammin #
  • RT @ROBLOVE146: Help Love146 win $50,000 organization w/most unique new donors (even in small amounts) wins! #
  • YouTube Friday: The power of fun! #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Working on creating a process for ongoing evaluation for our #kidmin What do you guys use? #

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