Family Skills: Giving your kids what they want

Veruca Salt – Give your kids whatever they want

Why do we give our kids whatever they want?

  1. Guilt
  2. Wanting our kids to have what we didn’t have growing up
  3. Because we can
  4. Because it’s easier than saying no
  5. Because we love them and want whats best for them
  6. We may be trying to buy their love

When we give our kid what they want all the time we are not teaching them the importance of trusting God. Learning at a young age to trust God is priceless. I learned from a very early age that “life is not fair” and “you will not always get what you want.” By giving our kids what they want we rob them of valuable life lessons that will prepare them for inevitable disappointments life hands out. When you learn how to respond in a responsible way to disappointment and trust God no matter what your faith will never be shipwrecked.

My wife read this and I think it is powerful. When girls get whatever they want they become manipulative. When boys get whatever they want they become lazy.

Proverbs 30:15

15 “The leech has two daughters.
‘Give! Give!’ they cry.
“There are three things that are never satisfied,
four that never say, ‘Enough!’:



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