Claudia "iThink"

We are not sure of our baby’s name but we are sure that we are blessed. We have a beautiful family surrounded by amazing family and friends. Thank You all for your love, friendship and generosity.

(more pictures tomorrow) Claudia 9 pounds 21 inches long born July 26th at 8:23am.IMG_8187

12 thoughts on “Claudia "iThink"”

  1. Yeah she a Claudia alright. she looks beautiful. Yeah, congrats bro for the new addition to the family. And Awww, does that mean we’ll expect to hear less from you because you’ll be caring feeding and all?

  2. Congrats Pastor Sam and Sandra!!! She’s beautiful!! A perfect addition to your sweet family…If you need help with the boys or anything else, Pastor Sam , you have my cell phone number..God Bless, Lori Chapman

  3. Thanks you guys for your kind words and prayers. I appreciate both. I will be in need of your continued prayer as I have heard that 3 kids and girls are both lots of work. :0

  4. Sam, happy for you and Sandra. That’s just awesome! I keep hoping Adelia and I will have one or more soon. 🙂 Say a little prayer for us, amigo. See you in Dec possibly.
    Scotty the Body

  5. She is beautiful!!! Three kids are not to hard just different. If you guys ever need a break or just want to go out for coffee just let me know. The little trips away help alot. Even if it is just to go to the store along. I’m in the valley all the time.

  6. Scott, look forward to connecting. I hope it works out.

    Kim we just may have to take you up on that. 😉

    collin – not a problem – a children’s pastor’s job is never done.

  7. Pastor Sam, about being worried about having 3… My comment is, if you can handle a whole room full of other people’s kids, you’ll be just fine with 3 and two of you 🙂

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