Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-02

  • Free Book! Reggie Joiners new one. Autographed #kidmin #orange09 I will select the winner tonight at 9pm EST #
  • Hanging at a park w/ my oldest.excited for #orange09 next week but going to miss my family like crazy. #
  • Free Book! Reggie Joiners new one. Autographed #kidmin #orange09 I will select the winner tonight at 9pm EST #
  • Free Book Winner! #kidmin #
  • RT @mashable FOLLOW FAIL: The Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Follow You in Return on Twitter (via @tweetmeme) #
  • RT @tweetmeme Why Orange is the New Green. | #
  • If you could interview anyone at #orange09 who would it be and what would you ask. #kidmin #
  • RT @tweetmeme Why Orange is the New Green. | #orange09 #
  • Got this on myblog:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/content/u/p/t/uptownkids/html/wordpress/wp-load.php (What do I do?) #
  • All is well with my blog prayed and hacked it back to life. Now to finish packing for #orange09 #
  • 4 hours of sleep on my way to #orange09 many thanks to @hayesandrew for the early ride to the airport. #
  • At the airport got 4 hours of sleep lucky for me I have been weening myself off sleep for the past few months now. #
  • On the same flight as @coffeewithchris we are on the plain get ready #orange09 here come the Yanks! #
  • Just boarded my last leg to Atlanta. Not a fan of small planes. #
  • Lost in atlanta somewhere with @kennyconley and @mattmckee #orange09 #
  • #orange09 Kids Pastor Colaboration! Love it. #
  • Getting ready to pre register for #orange09 good times. #
  • Kickin it at the #orange09 tweet up. If you are here for orange and are reading this why arn’t you here? #
  • TWEET UP! #orange09 #
  • Hey tweeps @powerpraise needs a ride tomorrow to #orange09 #
  • RT @jonathancliff Welcome to the new twitter name! #
  • Tweeting and blogging going to be late nights and early days for the next few days. #orange09 #
  • In a breakout with @yancynotnancy talking about preschool worship.

    She recomends Laurie Berker Band and Dan Zanes #orange09 #

  • Thinking not to many men lead worship for preschoolers 3 men in my breakout. #orange09 #
  • Yancy on preschool worship “sometimes I feel like an arobics instructor” LOL so true #orange0 #
  • Leading worship for preschool – Be Bold – if you act wimpy your kids will think you are wimpy. (Manly point love it) #orange09 #
  • Just ordered NY pizza in Georga. A little nervious. #orange09 #
  • RT @human3rror: I Blogged: The Blog First Aid Station at Orange Conference : #Orange09 #
  • How deep do you want relationships to be in your kids ministry? #orange09 #
  • The best day in your childs life should be at home not at church #orange09 #
  • SG leaders use get to know you sheets to find out what yours like and don’t like so you have common ground in the small group. #orange09 #
  • Two combined influences make a greater impact than just two influances. #orange09 #
  • The bigger your church gets the more important it is that you become a problem solver. Jim Wideman #orange09 #
  • RT @jonathancliff: RT @human3rror: I Blogged: The Blog First Aid Station at Orange Conf. : #Orange09 #
  • Sometimes knowing what NOT to do is as important as what to do. Jim Wideman #orange09 #
  • Anytime you delagate without duplication you get wierdness. Jim Wideman #orange09 #
  • Bloggers Lounge is open for buisness. Come say hi! #orange09 #
  • Getting pumped 1 hour till opening ceremonies at #Orange09 #orange09 #
  • #orange09 is on! #
  • A lamma and Star-Trac at #orange09 @kennyconley is lov’n it! #
  • Live long and prosper #orange09 #
  • I am lost @ #orange09 sci-fi talk. #
  • #orange09 is trending in the top 10 ten hash tags right now #
  • RT @michaelchanley: What about Han Solo… he don’t have a K in his name or an R? #orange09 #
  • RT @michaelchanley: @kennyconley has a K in his name and 11 letters. #cmconnect #orange09 #
  • #24 jumped the shar-K #orange09 #
  • Konflict of intrest #orange09 #
  • Star Trek barbie and ken sweet #orange09 #
  • RT @jabberfrog: t-minus 18 minutes for live streaming video of session 1 #orange09. Check if out #
  • Orange hash tag is trending number 6 #orange09 #
  • Missing @kathrynjoy25 @funnymandan @kidinspiration Orange needs some Aussies next year! #orange09 #
  • Had a great conversation with @human3rror today. @andystanley hires great people. #orange09 #
  • RT @epending: #orange09 Live in Fenwick Island, DE. Thank you for the webcast Orange Team! /// nice #
  • RT @jabberfrog: live blogging/twittering about #orange09 at ///Check out Gina’s blog. #
  • Reggie Joiner taking the stage for General session 1 #orange09 #
  • Stock family. LOL #orange09 #
  • RT @jonap: @andystanley is watching the Orange Conference live feed. He says Reggie is “bringing it”. #orange09 #
  • RT @jasonboucher: @samluce Buffering is pretty bad on the live stream, at least for me 🙁 @human3rror do you know why this is? #orange09 #
  • Do we have unrealistic ideals of family ministry? #orange09 #
  • Are our unrealistic views of family hindering us from reaching families when we consider them less than ideal? good thought. #orange09 #
  • RT @OrangeConf: 600 following via webcast #orange09 #
  • Problem with better picture approach creates an ideal we can’t reach. #orange09 #
  • God is interested in using broken people to take a message of hope to broken people. #orange09 #
  • RT @gary_alexander: Changed from watching Obama to wathcing #orange09. It’s MUCH better. #
  • Our unrealistic pictures could paralize a generation of parents. #orange09 #
  • If you want your kids to have a personal faith it has to be in you first. #orange09 #
  • How am I using my time? As leverage to reach and equip families. #orange09 #
  • RT @theuprisinglive: just friend requested reggie… ha ha #orange09 /// bro you are so nuts #
  • Broken Families Broken churches to say to a broken world that he is the answer. #orange09 #
  • Serious collaboration at a waffel house with @kennyconley @jonathancliff @jabberfrog @mattmckee #
  • 1:52 must get sleep. Breakfast at 6:30. #
  • Francis is talking about human trafficing check out this site #orange09 #
  • RT @cewoo: @samluce tell all your tweet peeps I am enjoying the tweets from #orange09 and I almost wore an orange shirt today #
  • I used to cut class to share my faith. #orange09 #
  • Sometimes out of my own guilt I dicourage the passionate – Francis Chann #orange09 #
  • RT @theuprisinglive: obsession vs. token passion… #orange09 #stumin #
  • RT @jonathancliff: Don’t miss @human3rror & his special Brown Bag Lunch breakout. Top of Escalators at 12! only 1st 50 R allowed! thr wi … #
  • My book Crazy love has gone nuts totally unexpected it’s not like “Your Best Life Now” – Francis Chan LOL #orange09 #
  • You never look more like the father than what you are rescueing #orange09 #
  • Have you lost your first love. Have you let the system deaden you? #orange09 #
  • RT @jonathancliff: so @perrynoble didn’t head home. Glad he’s feeling better, and speaking tomorrow at Orange!/// Woot #orange09 #
  • Just met John Acuff from Come to the bloggers lounge and say hi. #orange09 #
  • Just met John Acuff from Come to the bloggers lounge and say hi. #orange09 #
  • If you are at #orange09 Sign up for a Year of K! for free! Do it today Here’s the online version 4 your viewing pleasure #
  • Sue miller rocks. Saw first hand the amzing stuff she did @promiseland #orange09 #
  • Nancy Beach speaking read her last book “An Hour On Sunday” Great book. #orange09 #
  • RT @d_w_scott: Nancy beach – help! I’m a leader trapped in a womans body! #orange09 #
  • RT @JoeTheJedi: A whole bunch of Baptists just squirmed a little. (Nancy Beach speaking about women in ministry) #orange09 #
  • Get into Go on it Get over it. – Nancy Beach #orange09 #
  • We have a tendency to move toward sin if we are not walking in the light. #orange09 #
  • Men we need to empower women and recognize leadership in those who are leaders. #orange09 #
  • Nancy Beach did a great job with tough topic. #orange09 #
  • RT @jonathancliff: Eating again…this time with @coffeewithchris @allyevans @jabberfrog @anna_meadows @michaelchanley and@samluce #orange09 #
  • Last day of Orange! #orange09 #
  • I guess Lanny Donoho didn’t get the memo the upgrade to the iPhone in June is a Software not Hardware. #orange09 #
  • Bout to hear @perrynoble I am excited. I hope he says some crazy stuff. #orange09 #
  • When you start thinking I could punt that kid 15 yards you realize you are not called to kids ministry anymore. – Perry Noble #orange09 #
  • OMG Andy Stanley is on the stage. Love that guy. #orange09 #
  • RT @kennyconley: the tri-fecta… #orange09 – Taking pics with his smashed iPhone. #
  • On sermon prep @perrynoble says “he downloads the Northpoint podcast.” lol #orange09 #
  • Can you learn authenticity? #orange09 #
  • How can I learn authenticity? That is the weirdest question. Perry Noble #orange09 #
  • RT @Dhuff4: RT @cnieuwhof: Perry Noble. “If your kids haven’t seen you worship Monday – Friday, you’re a hypocrite on Sunday when you wo … #
  • RT @toddclark: #orange09 – Andy Stanley – Authenticity is being way more concerned about you than how I do! #
  • Make every message a story don’t give me points. Stories build tension – Andy Stanley #orange09 #
  • “It just hit me. I am running from a freaking goose.” On being chased by a goose Perry Noble #orange09 #
  • We should teach to who we want to be in the room no who is in the room. – Andy Stanley #orange09 #
  • He’s Andy Freaking Stanley He can talk about selling shoes and people are like OMG! Perry Noble #orange09 #
  • If you are not teching and reaching Children and Youth ministry your church will be DEAD in 20 years – Perry Noble #orange09 #
  • Pastors if you believe in Kids and Youth ministry FUND THEM! Perry Noble #orange09 #
  • RT @jakedudley: P Noble: We feed our own kids before we feed ourselves. Our churches should work the same way! #orange09 #
  • Andy Stnley to new families “Do not bring your kids to TRY our church your kids will never want to go anywhere else” #orange09 #
  • Andy and Perry praying for 1st Baptist Maryviille – lost sr. Pastor to a gunman a couple of months ago. #orange09 #
  • Can your pastor be proud of what you do in your ministry? #kidmin #stumin #orange09 #
  • Steve Fee is singing a song he wrote for 1st Baptist Maryville “Wheneverything falls apart” #orange09 #
  • Hey Orange Tweeps want to know more about collaboration? Come to the bloggers lounge 1pm. Bring your lunch! #orange09 #
  • #orange09 is over. What a blast! Eating dinner with @jonathancliff @mattmckee at Bugaboo Steakhouse. #
  • On my way to the airport with @jonathancliff and @mattmckee it is to stinking early. #
  • On my plane back to NY goodbye #orange09 now to get ready for #orange10 #
  • Can’t wait to see my family! #
  • First load problems. Now mechanical problems. We are headed back to the gate. I fear i will miss my connection @cewoo say a prayer. #fail #
  • RT @acrathbone: On the same flight as @jonathancliff he’s one cool dude /// you know that’s right. #
  • FREAKING US AIR!!!!!!!!!!!! #

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