My First Tweet Up.

I have to admit most of presuppositions about tweet ups are connected to the Sci-fi community (not that there is anything wrong with that.) We all met at the Varsity in downtown met lots of people that are passionate about kids and youth.

What a blast. Great people. Good times Good times.

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14 thoughts on “My First Tweet Up.”

  1. looks great! I am feeling kinda guilty for being so jealous. I wish I could be there… maybe next year, but that is a big maybe. Have fun and be blessed!

  2. looks great! I am feeling kinda guilty for being so jealous. I wish I could be there… maybe next year, but that is a big maybe. Have fun and be blessed!

  3. Hey it was great seeing all of you.

    Henry next time bro, think orange.

    Justyn so cool meeting you. Glad you could make it.

    3amJosh. Practice lots of practice.

    Jim Next time!

    Kenny – Nothing just a large easy target. Ha!

    JC great to meet you to. Looking forward to the next few days.

  4. Hey it was great seeing all of you.

    Henry next time bro, think orange.

    Justyn so cool meeting you. Glad you could make it.

    3amJosh. Practice lots of practice.

    Jim Next time!

    Kenny – Nothing just a large easy target. Ha!

    JC great to meet you to. Looking forward to the next few days.

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