Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-08

  • Back from the hospital still no definitive word on what is going on. Appreciate your prayers. #
  • RT @jonathancliff: I’m off to get staff pictures, hopefully I can find a great tree to lean against while folding my arms like @kennyconley #
  • Wife is out. BOYS NIGHT!!!! #
  • Social networking and listening to U2 before settling into a long night of video editing. #
  • Retweeting @henryjz: check this out on being a great presenter #
  • #kidmin New blog Post: The Demands of Love #
  • I think I finally understand childlike faith: Trusting God’s character without always understanding his actions. #
  • #kidmin New Blog Pos The Demands of Love #
  • Just had coffee with a local kids pastor. Love connecting with others who are passionate about reaching kids for Christ. #kidmin #
  • To many meetings today. Messed up the meeting time of my last appointment of the day. Darn it! #
  • Had a great convo with @betsywr today. I love the way the people at reThink think. #orange09 #
  • My good friend and co-pastor of our church started twittering give him a follow @mikeservello #followfriday #
  • Am I the only one having issues with gmail? #
  • #kidmin New Blog Post: Smells like Happy Birthday #
  • Thanks @michaelchanley @payshel @bobgarrett @danscott77 @traciknoppe for the #followfriday shoutouts! #
  • Our campus pastor is still in the hospital and we still don’t know what is causing paralysis from the waist down. Please pray! #
  • #kidmin New Blog Pos YouTube Friday: Smells like Happy Birthday #
  • Watching Nacho Libre. My god how I love this movie! #
  • I get to lie in a bed by myself for the rest of my life……it’s fantastic. Nacho #
  • They don’t think i know a butt load of crap about the gospels….but I do. Nacho #
  • A good friend of mine who is a Worship Leader, Children Pastor all around good guy just joined twitter follow him #followfriday #
  • Everyone follow Josh Lange @Langer123 #followfriday #
  • Testing #
  • I can now update my facebook and twitter with just the updates I want. #
  • revolutionary change is coming this week! Changing the world of #kidmin all for free at #cmconnect! spread the word… (via @cmconnect) in reply to cmconnect #
  • So thankful for rain. Was getting a bit snarky due to cold weather earlier in the week. #
  • RT @DavidHFoster – 2 ways to enter a room; 1) Here I am! 2) There you are! Which one you choose will make all the difference. in reply to tiffany_d_smith #
  • Awesome day at Uptown 16 kids crossed the line of faith! #kidmin #
  • Church shooting in Maryville, IL kills Senior Pastor Fred Winters. Please pray for church and community. (via @mattmckee) in reply to mattmckee #

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