Questions for your kids.

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Came across the blog post a number of months ago. It is powerful to say the least. I have included some of his questions for the full list check out his blog post here.

Last night during the conversation with John Piper, John MacArthur, and me, Piper mentioned how helped he was by the kinds of questions that Rick Gamache (senior pastor of Sovereign Grace Fellowship) regularly asks his kids. Rick gave me permission to post them here:

1. In your own words, what is the gospel?
2. Is there a specific sin you’re aware of that you need my help defeating?
3. Are you more aware of my encouragement or my criticism?
4. What’s daddy most passionate about?
5. Do I act the same at church as I do when I’m at home?
6. Are you aware of my love for you?
7. Is there any way I’ve sinned against you that I’ve not repented of?
8. Do you have any observations for me?
9. How am I doing as a dad?

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