Pipeline wrap up.

Wow what a weekend. Talk about life transforming. I was challenged in so many ways and I know that our kids and youth ministries here at Mt. Zion where impacted in a profound way.

Pastor Jude – Was so impacted by his experience and his passion for the Pipeline principle. I felt that Friday night he nailed in simple, power terms the case for creating a pipeline in your church. That children’s ministries and youth ministries are inseparable.

Aaron Reynolds – It was so great to hear his sessions but was even greater to talk to him in person. He is so powerful when it comes to the practical steps to creating life-transforming ministry to kids. I have TONS to think about from our conversations. I loved his down to earth realness. I have an amazing ability to tell when someone is full of themselves. Aaron couldn’t have been more humble and more helpful from start to finish.

Bill Wilson – I unfortunately missed most of his session, but from what I heard the only word that comes to mind is passion. I pray I am as passionate about kids as he is after 28 years of ministry.

I will be blogging this week about the things that really challenged me this week. The things that I am still thinking about, starting with my post tomorrow about why most children’s pastors lead apologetically.

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