Working Together 4 of 4 (Meet my Youth Pastor)

n657515256_2832481_8910His name is Mark Schilling he likes watching movies and taking long walks on the beach. Just kidding.

Mark is a great guy. He is actually the second Youth Pastor I have had the privilege of working with. There are many things that I appreciate about Mark.

His commitment to the local church

Mark is totally committed to the local church he wants to see our church and the church as a whole succeed. He is a gifted communicator and great leader. I love his strait-forward approach to life I learn from him each day. He is passionate about youth but also genuinely loves to see the smallest child to the oldest adult ministered to.

He is one of the funniest guys I know.

This may sound stupid but I really appreciate a well refined sense of humor and if you know Mark at all he has a God given ability to make a comment that I laugh about for days. (Really helpful during long staff meetings.)

He is a real person.

One of my spiritual gifts is the spotting of spiritual counterfeits. I can spot image managers a mile away. Needless to say I am not a fan of fake Pastors with an agenda. Mark is a genuine you can talk to him about deep spiritual things, personal things, and stupid stuff like “The Office”. I love that.

He is a man of intense faith.

A little over a year ago his daughter got sick. Very scary stuff. I say Mark grow in his faith through that crazy difficult time. God did a miracle in his daughter and in him.

Lastly he has a great family.

As a children’s pastor that is big to me. His wife is wonderful and his kids are a riot. It is a pleasure to work on the same team with him.

He also blogs check him out here.

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