Top 10 iPhone apps I use.

apple-iphone-404_677418cJust got my iPhone last week. It was crazy but well worth it. Read that story here.The web was all a flutter with the app store. I have found however that some of the touted apps from the app store don’t function as well as some iPhone specific web sites out there. Here are a few of my favorites thus far.

1. Mobile WordPress – WordPress is rumored to be working on a killer iPhone app. Untill then this works for short posts and checking stats

2. Hahlo – a mobile twitter client that I may like better than twitterific

3. Google talk – google talk optimized for your iPhone – very nicely done.

4. Remember the Cat – a free remember the milk iPhone app. works with remember the milk to do lists.

5. Mobile Zoho – What is zoho you ask – Think Microsoft office only free and not made by Microsoft (two of my favorite things.)

6. Google reader – again kudos google folks

7. Pinpoint – search for restaurants and entertainment options.

8. Facebook – I love the web app for iPhone much better than the app store app, by far.

9. OneTrip – Grocery list for iPhone –

10. TV Guide – This is a great little program to tell you what is on right now and in the future.

Let me know what your fav is and if I missed any applications that I don’t know about.

2 thoughts on “Top 10 iPhone apps I use.”

  1. Sam,
    It was great to FINALLY meet you. We had an incredible time at GenCon and Mike and Melissa took my wife and I to see the new children’s wing. AMAZING! We’re praying for you guys and I think we’ll be sending some people to the pipeline conference.

    Great meeting you. Swing by the blog and drop me a line anytime.

    Steve “The Czar” Patton

  2. Allow me to be bias- hahah- QuickVoice should be on this list. It is a voice recorder. Currently in the top 25 paid apps. My dad is the developer and I am the Business Manager! haha

    It’s definitely neat- you can record meetings, classes, to do lists, just about anything you want to record and we are the only recorder that now syncs it to your computer and everything transfers. From there you can send voice email, edit, drop into documents, change format and add to iTunes library, place in folders. Handle short and long recordings like nothing. The app has a great pause feature as well. In just a few weeks customers can email their notes right from their phone- we are feverishly working on it.


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