Starting off right.

23263746.jpgHad a great weekend in children’s ministry. I got a chance to meet a great couple from Cornwall Canada. We had quite a few fantastic conversations about children’s ministry. I am very excited for them because they are starting from the ground up. They have the privilege to lay the foundation for the ministry to children at their church.

In talking to this couple I was reminded of the importance of revisiting where you have come from and the importance of starting off right.

I begin thinking what would I have wanted someone to tell me when I first started?

So here goes……

1. Vision – vision attracts volunteers more than need.

2. People Matter to God – never forget that God left the 99 to reach the 1.

3. Instruct, Model, and Inspect. -You get what you are. Model, Model, Model.

4. Mature yourself. – You need to spend time reading, listening, praying, and networking. Many children’s pastors aren’t able to be in service. Making maturity a priority is essential.

5. Be specific – People want to know what you want. Tell them and be specific. When you aren’t specific people have no choice but to fill in the blanks, created by your lack of specificity.

6. Have Fun – Kids church needs to be fun. So make it fun.

7. Life Transformation – Our goal in all we do is life transformation in children’s lives, in our volunteers and in our families.

8. The Pipeline works – You need to work well with the Pre-school ministry and the youth ministry.

9. Budget or No Budget Trust God.

10. Don’t get cynical. – Children’s ministry is so often out of sight out of mind. Do blame God don’t blame others. Children’s ministry today is where youth ministry used to be 15years ago. I believe children’s ministry is changing. People are seeing the importance of reaching kids. I believe that things are going to change. We need to be ready for the change!

4 thoughts on “Starting off right.”

  1. Good stuff here Sam. A good reminder for me on some of these points. We're heavy in recruting right now and will be doing some major asking of our parents to step up to volunteers. Number one hits the nail on the head as it is so easy to ask for volunteers out of need rather than vision. It's easy for me to get frustrated at my staff for not having more vision… but I also know that vision flows down… maybe I haven't been as visionary as they need me to be.

    Also, I agree with you 100% about CM being where student ministry was 15 years ago. I've been saying this for a few years now. I rememebr getting into ministry about 11 years ago and being very frustrated at the lack of good resources. A lot has changed and I really look forward to seeing what will be available 10 years from now.

  2. Thanks Kenny,

    Great to hear from you. I am super excited, 10 years ago kids going into Bible college wanted to be youth pastors I have heard a few kids from our church express the desire to be a children's pastor. That is a great thought to think isn't it. Where will children's ministry be in 10 years. Thanks for you input. Hope you and the fam are doing well.

  3. Good stuff here Sam. A good reminder for me on some of these points. We’re heavy in recruting right now and will be doing some major asking of our parents to step up to volunteers. Number one hits the nail on the head as it is so easy to ask for volunteers out of need rather than vision. It’s easy for me to get frustrated at my staff for not having more vision… but I also know that vision flows down… maybe I haven’t been as visionary as they need me to be.

    Also, I agree with you 100% about CM being where student ministry was 15 years ago. I’ve been saying this for a few years now. I rememebr getting into ministry about 11 years ago and being very frustrated at the lack of good resources. A lot has changed and I really look forward to seeing what will be available 10 years from now.

  4. Thanks Kenny,

    Great to hear from you. I am super excited, 10 years ago kids going into Bible college wanted to be youth pastors I have heard a few kids from our church express the desire to be a children’s pastor. That is a great thought to think isn’t it. Where will children’s ministry be in 10 years. Thanks for you input. Hope you and the fam are doing well.

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