Worlds of Wow closer by the day.

I met with Eric Taylor from Worlds of Wow, last Thursday. I am pumped. It is hard to believe that we are only 3 months away from our church’s extreme kids wing makeover.

It has been about 2 years in the the making and is almost here!

It has been a pleasure working with Eric and his team they really know their stuff and really care about local churches. We have been blessed to work with them. The concepts that we have come up with I think are fantastic.

I will blog about more of the details of what is going on the closer we get to October 8th, 2007 when the instillation starts. I thought I would however show a present shot of our education wing and the artist drawing of how it will look.

Below the first picture is our kids wing now and the second picture is the artist conception of how it will look.


4 thoughts on “Worlds of Wow closer by the day.”

  1. Matt,

    Most definitely will keep you informed. It has been quite the adventure so far. I am very excited to see the final product. I will put up more pictures when we get the final agreement signed.

  2. Matt,

    Most definitely will keep you informed. It has been quite the adventure so far. I am very excited to see the final product. I will put up more pictures when we get the final agreement signed.

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