Software Every Children's Pastor Needs

Software I use everyday:

Fellowship One
– Our online Church Management software. Hands down best children’s ministry check-in and followup database I have found. They are very progressive and actually listen to you unlike shall we say
(cough) shelby (cough)(cough).

Zoho – Online office applications – goodbye Bill Gates hello freedom.

Gmail – Love it.

Google Reader – Great RSS reader can be used on most mobile phones. Love that feature.

Game Ideas – Egad! These games are for youth but work great for kids with slight modification

Task Anyone – To do list maker for you or anyone else.

252 Basics – Curriculim for our K5 to 6th graders. It is web based and well written the best curriculim we have ever used.

My First Look – Our preschool curriculim also web based well written and re-inforces simple biblical truths in a way my 2 year old son understands.

Apple – Had to put down the cool-aid to write this sameful plug. Love macs. God uses one. Enough said.

4 thoughts on “Software Every Children's Pastor Needs”

  1. Great blog. Found you through Pudge. Do you like the First Look curriculum? We're looking at potentially switching to it in the Fall and I'd love to hear feedback from people actually using it…

  2. Childmin,

    Yes we have been using it for about 2 years. I love it.

    What i love:
    – Web based so all teachers with a web connection can access
    – Lesson in Word format to easily customize the lesson to your format
    – One Theme for the month – The kids really "get it"
    – Character Based – something kids need badly a priceless foundation of character
    – Prorated pricing – you pay based on the number of kids you are reaching.
    – Lots of options and ideas

    What i don't like –
    -Sometimes there is to much information and it's all good – sorting though what to keep and what to leave can take some time – although nothing like writing your own
    -Some of the small group activities make me wonder if they even do them. ie. in the preschool lesson they told us to do hand prints with 2year olds using INK STAMPERS!!!!! We had a new teacher that did what they said and had lots of stained hands and a couple of ruined shirts, urgh!

    That is definitely the exception. I LOVE this curriculum it is by far the best we have ever used and I have used almost everything out there at some point. They do have free samples use them and see what the reaction from the teachers kids and parents is.

    God Bless

  3. Great blog. Found you through Pudge. Do you like the First Look curriculum? We’re looking at potentially switching to it in the Fall and I’d love to hear feedback from people actually using it…

  4. Childmin,

    Yes we have been using it for about 2 years. I love it.

    What i love:
    – Web based so all teachers with a web connection can access
    – Lesson in Word format to easily customize the lesson to your format
    – One Theme for the month – The kids really “get it”
    – Character Based – something kids need badly a priceless foundation of character
    – Prorated pricing – you pay based on the number of kids you are reaching.
    – Lots of options and ideas

    What i don’t like –
    -Sometimes there is to much information and it’s all good – sorting though what to keep and what to leave can take some time – although nothing like writing your own
    -Some of the small group activities make me wonder if they even do them. ie. in the preschool lesson they told us to do hand prints with 2year olds using INK STAMPERS!!!!! We had a new teacher that did what they said and had lots of stained hands and a couple of ruined shirts, urgh!

    That is definitely the exception. I LOVE this curriculum it is by far the best we have ever used and I have used almost everything out there at some point. They do have free samples use them and see what the reaction from the teachers kids and parents is.

    God Bless

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