Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #1 The Collaborating Community

I have to agree with my fellow kids pastor Anthony Prince. I believe that the collaboration community is the greatest tool available to us as kids pastors.

I have talked about it many times but my life and ministry have been forever marked by the community of kids pastors. In the past 2 years I have connected more amazing kid thinkers than in my 12 years combined. I have made lifelong friends, changed the way I do some things, challenged my thinking on ministry philosophy and practices. I have received so much from ideas to encouragement. I truly believe I am a different person because of the, prayers, encouragement and strength I gain from doing ministry with all of you.

If you are just starting out and have somehow stumbled upon my blog let me point you to some other great places where I have met kids people way more talented and eloquent than me.

1. CMCONNECT – 5,099 other kids pastors enough said, also Michael Chanley is a beast.
2. Kidology – Tons of ideas and message boards
3. Blogs – Loads of great bloggers out there
4. Twitter – follow the #kidmin hashtag for all things kidmin
5. Facebook – Kenny started a kids ministry fan page
6. My space – Ha! Good one right.

6 thoughts on “Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #1 The Collaborating Community”

  1. Aaron,

    You can call me whatever you want. Thanks for your comment.


    Do you mean the site? I basically tried to put up all the kids ministry blogs I knew about that blogged on a regular basis.


  2. What a great resource for Kidmin! Thanks for putting this out for everyone. I saw this come across twitter, but just finally found the time to go back and read the whole list; stopping midway to order the Executive book, of course. 🙂

    Children’s Ministry has changed so much in the last few years, and I imagine, will continue to do so. These are great resources for us all, veteran or new, to keep sharp and effective for His kids! Thanks!!!

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